How's life folks?

Mikey D


         Officially graduated from Cub Scouts.  I found a new Cubmaster and resigned from the District ADC and training positions.  Now I can help out with my son's Boy Scout Troop!  

         Built a porch cover.  16' x 42'.  We used 3-1/2" x10" steel beams (hollow of course) and a double 3" channel for posts (only 3 of em so it looks really open).  Don't have a porch yet but we'll build it in the shade when we do!  

          Got me a concrete driveway!  No more backing the Busa down a gravel drive anymore!  (Took me 16 years but I got one!)

           Son's truck (92 S-10) blew a rear main seal.  I have it apart in may shop and found out he needs a clutch also.  


... he's been driving my wife's car (97 Saturn) and it blew a head gasket
(Literally!)  Anyone got another Saturn in AZ for sale cheep?

That's yer update for the last 4 weeks.

Man you have been busy, was the gasket the sons fault or was it just time to go?

Good for you on the Cubscouts, stand up thing to do.
(heavybusa @ Oct. 13 2006,14:59) Man you have been busy, was the gasket the sons fault or was it just time to go?

Good for you on the Cubscouts, stand up thing to do.
The car only has 100K on it (Saturns go over 200 easy (with maintenance!))  The car was low on H2O and the low light was on.  He should have known better and kept a closer eye on it.

Prolly a little of both.

We're heading over to the school today to put his S-10 back together.

Well, at least life has been interesting for ya, bro.

No more burnouts in the kitchen, I assume?
Hey there Mikey D!!! I was wondering about you a week or so ago...should have emailed to get you out of your busy shell...

Glad to hear things are good...
Well, 'cept for the car issues...
Good to see ya Mr D. Been wondering about ya. Glad top hear that all your troubles are automotive. If you're going to be having problems in life? Broken cars are good place for em'.

Good to see ya.