Huggs for my Busa?


Does anyone know where I can get a rear hugger for the Busa?
I have a couple of friends in the UK that can find them there but it will cost me $100 for the hugger and almost as much for shipping. They have got to be available somwhere in the US. I have tried just about all of the major acessory dealers with no luck. I want to get a rear fender elimination kit but I want to add the hugger so it will deflect at least some of the road debris!!!
Help! Thanks in advance!
rypp, i like the fit and look a lot. since i have the red/gry busa i had to get painted. im a still waiting for the parts.the worst thing is ive known the bastard for about 15 years.oh well. did you go on their website? i bought the undertail also. the tail fits excellent but takes way longer to fit than 2 hours and not scratch your sht up.I am convinced from seeing some of the other undertails it definately has the best look.oh yeah, the hugger is easy to fit, it uses one original hole an you have to drill 2 holes in the swingarm. no big deal,
Drill holes in the swing arm? Holy **** ! I assumed it would attach to the right side with double sided tape or something. I'm not sure I want to go drilling holes in the swingarm.

Yeah I went to their site. Sent them an e-mail requesting prices haven't heard from them yet.

Did the $200 for your hugger include paint? I have the copper Busa and don't know if anyone in my area will be ableto paint it. How much was the undertail piece?
Rypp, im pretty sure they have the copper one pre-painted. they only have colors for what they have in canada. they have that one so your in luck. no the paint i ordered from colorite, a half pint will do the undertail and hugger-$30.00. you might not want to do either one then. You have to cut the sht out of the fender to install undertail.Dont be a pus though its only 2 quarter inch holes! you can always buy a new swing arm. the undertail is the same price. i think prepainted might be like 240 instead of 200 not sure though?
Thanks for the input! I guess $200 bucks for onr that is already painted is not bad. How do you like yours? Have you removed your rear fender? Thanks again!
Thanks for the input! I guess $200 bucks for one that is already painted is not bad. How do you like yours? Have you removed your rear fender? Thanks again!