I figured out that when i open the fuel cap it release's some pressure, (kinda like when u open the fuel cap of a car that u ran nearly to emtpy). Its not as extream of a hiss but u can hear the pressure release. Most of the time when i shut down after a long ride it humms....it doesnt really bother me i was just wondering if this is normal..after i open the fuel cap the humming stops...I have the 01' model by the way...thanks guys.....still trying to decide on an undertail but i did order my crystal clear, clear alternatives front LED sig's.....hopefully they will look good with my silver & Black color scheme....OH and whats your guys thought on huggers? To hug or not to hug??? Do your have to drill holes to mount a hugger in the upper swing arm cage?
Thanks guys, and for the LA guys ill be calling you soon and please let me know of any rides comming up...i might be at the lake this weekend but all depends if my Big Block will coooperate with the new ignition system......