hump pads

Very pricey....  I need one that wraps over the top of the hump to protect it from my back pack...

Me too....was wondering if you could put one of those skeletonized tank pads on the hump.....or would it just look like riding pants are scratching the hump to hell already...gotta get something on there.....

say something like this......

Could always try using 3M clear automotive tape if applied right you won't see it and will help protect what you want then comes off easy to put a new peice on there was a post awhile on it so do a search
Is there somewhere that you could just buy the foam and cut it to shape yourself?
I just used clear contact paper to protect where I scratched my hump. Very cheap and hardly noticible. The clear 3M stuff would work also but would be more expensive.
$30 doesn't seem so bad. Of course if you had Tobin seat, you might not need one at all, and if you still wanted one, he offers a zip off pad that attaches to the seat.
Buy a peice of superbike foam and cut your own,any shape you like.Beware though when the day comes you want to take it off you may take the paint with it.
I just don't like the looks of that one..

course I decided after a while that I dont' need one anyway.. I always end up humpin' my gas tank no matter where I try to sit.. especially in the twisties.
I'm going to be using one of the Carbon Fiber panels from my Tank Bra, Cut it to fit a piece of high density foam allready shaped to match the hump. Then Using some industrial Velcro from Wal-mart, stick that beeyotch right on there myself. Heck, Just find your self a piece of Vinyl or leather, a piece of high density foam rubber, cover it and stick it... Make your own, shouldn't take any time... and you get a true custom hump pad... You could even have it custom embroidered for prolly not a whole lot of money... make it trully yours... Gimmie some time, I might come up with a template and start making them myself... Will cost less than $30 prolly and should look good as well, if there is any interest...
I've got some of the carbon look material coming from Mag-Knight (just got the magnetic tank protector from there) and may try to make something with it. I really do not need a pad (mattress), just somethiing to take the abuse from the backpack. If I could find the Hump/seat base cheap (under $20) I'd attempt a custom hump with a backpack notch/ledge...
Got the composite skills thanks to Uncle Sam's dime... Like Rev said, I could start turning them out if I do it right.
