

what is that goofy looking hump behind the riders seat and that huge fairing at the front of the busa, i don't get it, over kill, over kill, a bunch of crap to cover up a great motor, they built the busa for top end speed, but who in the heck ever does that, i think it's like the vette with the small penis complex. dave
At high speeds when a rider is tucked in it helps make you and the bike more aerodynamic. You are on a BKing so I guess you would not know anything about that
Just about every post or thread you start is always about trying to stir the pot, you need to just chill out, this is a busa site, relax about how good your B-king is all the time.
what is that goofy looking hump behind the riders seat and that huge fairing at the front of the busa, i don't get it, over kill, over kill, a bunch of crap to cover up a great motor, they built the busa for top end speed, but who in the heck ever does that, i think it's like the vette with the small penis complex. dave
Whoa! That is a pretty strongly worded post from a newbie. Suggest you show some consideration for your audience.
The B-King is good for top speed, But the Busa is ALOT better.:beerchug: Because of the fairings.
If you had ever had a B-King out at top speed and then a busa out at top speed you would understand. Why the busa is better.
what is that goofy looking hump behind the riders seat and that huge fairing at the front of the busa, i don't get it, over kill, over kill, a bunch of crap to cover up a great motor, they built the busa for top end speed, but who in the heck ever does that, i think it's like the vette with the small penis complex. dave

Aerodynamics! Are you "special"? You appear to have a B-king, thats fine, i hope you enjoy it. You dont see me sayin "why you got such tall handlebars on there"? or " Is dem exhaust pipes big enough? No, that would be rude. I, and many other riders on here have had our bikes at 11,000R's in 6th gear. So please dont say what i do or dont do on MY bike.

Maybe you Question should have been "What the purpose of the rear seat cover and does the wide nose help with stability at speed"?

As for your comment regarding a "Penis Complex", Really? Your concerned about that?
Aerodynamics! Are you "special"? You apper to have a B-king, thats fine, i hope you enjoy it. You dont see me sayin "why you got such tall handlebars on there"? or " Is dem exhaust pipes big enough? No, that would be rude. I, and many other riders on here have had our bikes at 11,000R's in 6th gear. So plesse dont say what i do or dont do on MY bike.

Maybe you Question should have been "What the purpose of the rear seat cover and does the wide nose help with stability at speed"?

haha... easy there Frog.
keeps the front end down with the extra weight up front...:bounce:

and the front wheel fairing is there for aerodynamic's so you can go faster with less drag.