Hyabusa Problems???


Hello Boss From Australia here,I am supposed to pick up my ugly busa tomorrow and was wondering if any of you owners had found any faults with the bike as yet ?.I would like to know before I part with the ready's.All info would be appreciated as here in oz we have not had the busa out long enough to know of any faults.Thanks Boss RIDE SAFE
Only major problem Your bike might become a prize for the motorcycle thiefs,I already have riders asking me if the engine will fit in a GSXR-1100 frame.Same riders that I won't and don't invite to my house,had my old 89 GXSR-1100 stolen once.
Engine knocking (see other messages)

My 'clunk' from clutch/drive sporcket (I'll let you know what the dealer says)

Severe shortage of replacement rubber in Europe/US.

Enjoy it....you are about to be Hayabused !