I finally gone and done it.


Donating Member
Hi people hope I find you all well.Today I put pen to paper and signed for my new toy, an 09 Black Busa. I will post pictures when I collect it on Friday. I will miss the RF9, but hey things move on.
Thanks. I never rode the Gen 1, rode the Gen 2 back in late 07 and was hooked from then.
Welcome to the oRg, you wont miss the RF for long after you ride the K9. We have lots of members in the UK, glad to have you aboard! :beerchug:
so did you manage to sleep tonight? :laugh: few days waiting on new bike, first night home... Almost like a new woman..
Thanks to all for the welcome. Have been on the site since last year and decided that I am now getting one to jump in and say something.
That is one thing you will never regret. Congratulations on a fine purchase.:beerchug:

And welcome to the org.
Ride safe
:welcome: and congrats on your purchase! I also have the 09 black busa! I love it and post up pics when you get the chance! :thumbsup: