I finally made it!!!


John at The Bike Yard here in Toronto...wheeew, that was a long wait to get registered here. Just picked up my Busa a coupla months ago and still need some plastic parts, a bracket and a headlight to get it back on the road before Spring. I may be able to help some of you with parts on occasion too. We'll be talking. Man that was a long wait!
Hey go easy on us Canucks eh?...It's not easy living up here ya know...we have a Prime Minister that can hardly speak English, a weak dollar and snow up to our hineys for 4 months!
Sure enough, we get Dirty Pete back on and we pickup more Canadians.


Chase maybe a Canadian filter is needed in the rebuild :)
You think they make that sort of thing? Might not be a bad idea...with the exchange rate, we're only getting about 2/3 of a person for every sign up anyway -GRIN-
snow up to your hiney!?!?! SEND IT MY WAY (Winnipeg) We are bone dry and the snowmobile business is dead! (this pays my bread'n'butter in the winter as does the bike business in the summer!)
Well, actually we haven't had a flake yet, Toronto is getting warmer every winter it seems..I was working outside on a bike yesterday! But I still wish our Prime Minister would learn to speak English.
I believe I saw 1/2 inch of snow in 1996 and before that I hadn't seen snow since 1992...Texas weather just sucks...there are no seasons, really.