I flet like some comedy,


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"50 greatest cornering bikes ever" EVER. Mind you - >>EVER<< ok? according to I don't know whose rating system. So I flip to the inside and their number one, top pick, best of all overall corner carver is the Beull XB12R Firebolt.


OH OH OH! And here's the stats: 999cc inline 4, 159bhp, 181mph


[cough hack chock] .......sniff....

And all this time, Suzuki, Yamaha, Honda, and Kawasaki were winning those silly little races and improving their technology, a dysfunctional cruiser company manufactures a machine that is so high above the standard, I suppose they REFUSE to even let it on the race track.

I'll admit the Buell is cute and maybe does feel like a 1200cc stuffed into a 250GP chassis, but BEST CORNERING BIKE OVERALL??? The Susuki 1000 was 48th, the 10 is buried down low somewhere...

...heck the TRIUMPH ROCKET III is 32 -- ahead of the GSXR1000? ? ? Truimph Daytona 650 took 3rd. THIRD!!!!

nuther laughing spell coming on...!!!! oh wait... under control.

I bought the magazine because they interview top racers about their track riding technique... I can't WAIT to read THOSE quality reports:

BIKE: Mr. Rossi, can you tell us in 10 words or less everything you know about how to be number one on the track?

ROSSI: [thick accent] yeaasss. I turn ze handulba-urh, till she go da-ooon, an zee bike taakoff. I push [motions down with left hand] zee ba-urh down and zee bike she turn quickly, and I zeenk to misilf, I zeenk [smiling] 'I LIKE BUNNIES'! tee hee hee tee hee hee. I'M GO-EEENG TO DEESNEELAN!"

BIKE: Excellent advice. Now if the readers will quickly turn to the back, we have 40 pages of totally hot chicks with nothing better to do between Victoria Secret lingerie shoots, than to send your cell phone text mesages all day long at $22 a pop. Next issue: we interview our mums.

No, in all seriousness, just ONE of these issues makes me totally distrust it. It took me 2 years of library runs before I bought a subscription to Sport Rider

It has lots of oclorful pictures of strange looking bikes though.

Man. [sniff... wipes eye...] Good comedy. I needed that!

The BEST corning bike EVER:

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The Firebolt is such a piece of sh!it...
I got a free back-pack just for test riding one
. I guess it was worth the pain

Some dealership in West Palm, fl, was having a promotion thing where they gave you a packpack for test riding a firebolt... I rode there on my busa.... I got on the firebolt and it felt like a freaking diesel truck
. I liked its size and all, but power-wise it sucks hairy balls... It did handle pretty nice, but it was nothing unlike an SV or the 600's...When I went back to the dealership the salesman had a smile on his face and was like, "Well? Well? Whadya think?? It's fast, isn't it? ... Yeahh.. it's a 1200cc engine on there..." I was like... "Eehhh.... sorry dude... I ride a Hayabusa... 1300 cc with an 11,000 rpm redline... this thing feels like it's a truck compared to the busa. I might get a real Harley cruiser once I get older and have money comming outta my ass, but for now, I'll stick to my busa

one thing that I really didn't like was how fast it went through a gear... if felt like it had a really low redline, and I had to shift like every two seconds (same in the busa, except in the busa you shift twice and you're easily in the 100's mph)...
Anyways... these are just my thoughts on the bike... I don't see why anyone would ever buy one... cept maybe if they fell in love with the looks... and again... i'm not trying to bash, but for the money you can get MUCH better bikes.
"50 greatest cornering bikes ever" EVER. Mind you - >>EVER<< ok? according to I don't know whose rating system. So I flip to the inside and their number one, top pick, best of all overall corner carver is the Beull XB12R Firebolt.


OH OH OH! And here's the stats: 999cc inline 4, 159bhp, 181mph


[cough hack chock] .......sniff....

And all this time, Suzuki, Yamaha, Honda, and Kawasaki were winning those silly little races and improving their technology, a dysfunctional cruiser company manufactures a machine that is so high above the standard, I suppose they REFUSE to even let it on the race track.

I'll admit the Buell is cute and maybe does feel like a 1200cc stuffed into a 250GP chassis, but BEST CORNERING BIKE OVERALL??? The Susuki 1000 was 48th, the 10 is buried down low somewhere...

...heck the TRIUMPH ROCKET III is 32 -- ahead of the GSXR1000? ? ? Truimph Daytona 650 took 3rd. THIRD!!!!

nuther laughing spell coming on...!!!! oh wait... under control.

I bought the magazine because they interview top racers about their track riding technique... I can't WAIT to read THOSE quality reports:

BIKE: Mr. Rossi, can you tell us in 10 words or less everything you know about how to be number one on the track?

ROSSI: [thick accent] yeaasss. I turn ze handulba-urh, till she go da-ooon, an zee bike taakoff. I push [motions down with left hand] zee ba-urh down and zee bike she turn quickly, and I zeenk to misilf, I zeenk [smiling] 'I LIKE BUNNIES'! tee hee hee tee hee hee. I'M GO-EEENG TO DEESNEELAN!"

BIKE: Excellent advice. Now if the readers will quickly turn to the back, we have 40 pages of totally hot chicks with nothing better to do between Victoria Secret lingerie shoots, than to send your cell phone text mesages all day long at $22 a pop. Next issue: we interview our mums.

No, in all seriousness, just ONE of these issues makes me totally distrust it. It took me 2 years of library runs before I bought a subscription to Sport Rider

It has lots of oclorful pictures of strange looking bikes though.

Man. [sniff... wipes eye...] Good comedy. I needed that!

The BEST corning bike EVER:
I totally agree with you bro!! i subscribe to BIKE... they areticles are usually good, but I found this one totally crap!! Retarded if you ask me... maybe the guys whoe wrote the article were doing weed...

fugging media!!
I totally agree with you bro!! i subscribe to BIKE... they areticles are usually good, but I found this one totally crap!! Retarded if you ask me... maybe the guys whoe wrote the article were doing weed...

fugging media!![/QUOTE]
so is the rest of the mag ANY good? I had decided to read it thinking it is more like THE ONION than anything real. NExt issue they are riding the hyper bikes and I want to check ti out but not if it finds the busa is last and the BMW is first place when ALL OTHER INDICATORS INCLUDING COMPETING MAGS find quite the opposite.

tell me all these pages and GREAT pictures have some redeeming merit... I paid $9 for this one stoopid issue

Maybe the rating numbers were randomly generated or created for the bad press = good press mantality?