I hate math , math hates me, what about U


Donating Member
I've tried and tried and I just dont get it.. and I just cant find anyone who can explain it to me. Simple math too. I mean I can get the correct answer But I dont see how it works.. I need a special needs adult teacher :)
Anyone else weird like me too?
I was good up until a teacher told me that a negative times a negative equals a positive. I get it why they say that, but lets be real. I cant put Mastercard and Visa together in any way, shape or form that will end up with me gettin money from them.

- Visa X -Mastercard= me still oweing them money!!!
sucks that I have to relearn math just to help my daughter with her homework. I understand it fine I just never needed it.. untill now. when she goes to bed I read the next chapter so I look like I know what Im doing:laugh:

sometimes I wish she wasnt so smart, I can only keep up for a couple more years..
I dont know man, once I run out of fingers I'm screwed. :laugh:

Seriously though, as someone who works as an engineer, I have to understand and apply math. Most of the time, my computer, or set standards, or calculator make it easy. But once in a while, you have to pull out the pencil to make sure you are doing the right thing so nobody gets hurt.
I kinda like math. Its hard and I have to work at it but I enjoy the challenge. Plus I like that I get to help my daughter...my wife can't do it.
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I'm not as good at math as I used to be (darn technology). But honestly, I like math. To me, it's predictable and logical. I actually miss the challenges and problems I got when I was in school. Working through a formula to get the right answer...awesome.
I was good up until a teacher told me that a negative times a negative equals a positive. I get it why they say that, but lets be real. I cant put Mastercard and Visa together in any way, shape or form that will end up with me gettin money from them.

- Visa X -Mastercard= me still oweing them money!!!


For debt you can't multiply Visa with Master, you have to add them together wich gives the total debt.

To understand why a minus multiplied by a minus becomes positive just look at the math language on both sides of the equal sign.

Visa = -$400

Means you have a debit in your account of $400.

So to state it the other way, multiply with -1 on both sides of the equal sign.

-1 x Visa = -1 x -$400

-Visa = $400

Means your account is still in debit by $400.

LOL, I have used a lot of math in my Engineering career, but at school it was the only subject I did not have to try and learn, it just happened automatically. Did not go to school in the US though.
two courses away from a minor in math when i graduated...
used to tutor calculus 2 and below...
now i just grab my ti-86 and push buttons:laugh:
I wish I could learn to like it.. I've been fighting it sine a kid in school. I've always when it comes to book work S*ucked.. But when its hands on I'm 100%.. I had to take electrical exams and in class I got the lowest score , But in the field I always pass teh inspections. I've had thousands of inspections in 15 years and only failed 1 due to a change in codes. I also went to trade school for automatic transmissions, again I was the lowest on paper but the best on repairs.I was the only one to get a trans 99% back together on the first try... If I could just get the math to click in me head I'd rule the world :)
Now RussellJ I'll probably take you up on your offer , But You'll have to be the world most patient person..
I think most of my problem is I have to see how something works ( In my head ) to make it apply or stay in me brain.. I just dont see 2 negatives = a positive .or switching a Numerator and denominator and tell me its the same number or that its not changing the orginal question.. aaaahhhhh I need to hit my head on the wall... How can I multiply and get less?? ahhhhhhhhhh 1/3x3/4=1/4 aahhhh I WE TODD DID

For debt you can't multiply Visa with Master, you have to add them together wich gives the total debt.

To understand why a minus multiplied by a minus becomes positive just look at the math language on both sides of the equal sign.

Visa = -$400

Means you have a debit in your account of $400.

So to state it the other way, multiply with -1 on both sides of the equal sign.

-1 x Visa = -1 x -$400

-Visa = $400

Means your account is still in debit by $400.

LOL, I have used a lot of math in my Engineering career, but at school it was the only subject I did not have to try and learn, it just happened automatically. Did not go to school in the US though.

So, are ya gonna give me the $400 or what?


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