I have a question for you all.....


Just call me B.O.B
So.... I get a federal jury summons a month or so ago. I had to fill out a questionnaire and one of the questions was what kind of hobbies I have. I put down the usual, gardening, target shooting and knife throwing....yes you read that right. I was suppose to call tomorrow and enter a number and it would let me know if I should show up on Monday for jury selection.
Heck I didn't even get to do that. I got a call a few minutes ago telling me not to bother to show up, my request had been canceled.

So my question is do you think I was turned down because I'm a gardener? :whistle:


This is the 3rd request I've gotten and I really thought I was gonna be one of the chosen ones. I even bought a book to read.
BlondeOnaBusa said:
I only speak the truth. I have knives for throwing and sometimes we have competitions at the house. I've gotten pretty good at it if I do say so myself.:thumbsup:


No way do the courts want someone like you on a jury.
Your reckless because of motorcycles
Violent because of the knives and firearms.
How else can the be sure they'd convict someone with a violent criminal like you on the jury? It's not about justice,,its about winning and losing for the prosecuter. Sorry lady,,you're out! :lol:

Smellphone via Forum Runner
nice work BOB :beerchug: Beats putting something like "spend my mornings talking to god through the toaster oven" :laugh:

No way do the courts want something like you on a jury.
Your reckless because of motorcycles
Violent because of the knives and firearms.
How else can the be sure they'd convict someone with a violent criminal like you on the jury? It's not about justice,,its about winning and losing for the prosecuter. Sorry lady,,you're out! :lol:

Smellphone via Forum Runner


I only speak the truth. I have knives for throwing and sometimes we have competitions at the house. I've gotten pretty good at it if I do say so myself.:thumbsup:

I want a demo at the Bash! Could we put Randy on some kinda spinning thingy? :rofl:
skydivr said:
I want a demo at the Bash! Could we put Randy on some kinda spinning thingy? :rofl:

If we were coming to the bash I would show ya how its done. I tried to get Randy to put an apple on his head but that was a big on go.
A woman that goes by BoB, totes guns and knives, probably is cultivating illegal herbs and rides one of them crotch rockets:whistle:

Dayum your hubby is a lucky man:thumbsup: and federal court is no fun. Glad you got out of it.

From my dunce stool :cookoo:
Non-judgemental my ass.
You were expected to answer I am a soccer mom, bake cookies, clean the house, watch CNN and I love Barry.
Big Bo said:
Non-judgemental my ass.
You were expected to answer I am a soccer mom, bake cookies, clean the house, watch CNN and I love Barry.

I guess I'm not the norm. I'm a band mom, I buy cookies, kinda clean house.....hate CNN and I have no idea who the heck Berry is. LOL.
I told no lies on my questionnaire. I half expect a fed agent to knock on my door and want proof of my abilities and ill be able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt I can do all I said.