I just did something I regret


oRg Gal
Staff member
You know how much is at your fingertips on the web nowadays...well, I'm on another site, find myself reading through oddball stories and articles of the bizarre (usually right up my alley)...Darwin Award type stuff, right?

I see a thread about the Nick Berg slaughter, and even thought the thread's nearly a month old and his death happened a while back, I find myself reading everyone's replies, description of what happened, etc...then I see a bunch of guys mentioning that the Nick Berg video isn't nearly as disturbing as the killing "of that Chechnyan soldier"...I think "what Chechnyan soldier?" and before I know it, I'm hitting links they've posted and the video pops up...

I asked for it, but I get caught up in the "hey, what's this all about?" sh*t and I saw just enough to know I didn't want to see that...I quickly closed it, but I truly feel sick to my stomach right now...guess I'm happy to report that I am indeed not desensitized to bad things happening to people...

When my kids are old enough to be sitting on the home PC, I'm definitely going to use Net Nanny or something to try and protect them...it's just too easy to see this type of stuff nowadays...those of you with older kids should really consider monitoring what they are seeing if you're not already...I have to be careful of what I try to access here at work because it'll get blocked if it's something's deemed questionable, but this stuff wasn't blocked at all...it was just too easy to find and view...and incredibly disturbing to watch even for a few seconds...

Technology has made things far too accessible...even for those of us that know better (talking about blondie here)...I need protection from myself perhaps?!  

I'm off to find some pictures of flowers or something...I need happy thoughts now...
That was the black and white version right? I saw a black and white version of a russian soldier with his foot on the head of someone (I wont describe anymore) but it was black and white. And blood in black and white does not usually look as bad as when it is in color.
No thrasher...unfortunately it was in full and vivid color...sickening...

Disclaimer...don't go fishing around for it...you'll regret seeing it too unless you can handle stuff like that...I didn't post this to get others to look...I'm just disappointed in what I just did...I should really know better...I'm one of those "Hey, look! It's a train wreck!" kind of gals I guess...
Well I am taking the opposite tack. I will show my kids what really goes on in this world when they are old enough. I have been there to see some pretty gruesome things close up. I want my sons to know that the fairly land of "America" is that because Men and Women stand in the face of danger every night for it to be so!

Well I am taking the opposite tack.  I will show my kids what really goes on in this world when they are old enough.  I have been there to see some pretty gruesome things close up.  I want my sons to know that the fairly land of "America" is that because Men and Women stand in the face of danger every night for it to be so!

I certainly wasn't implying that you should shelter kids from all things bad Howlin...just am still amazed at how few "clicks" of the mouse it takes to see things you may not want to see...

I was thinking more along the lines of pre-teens here...it's just so easy to find this stuff online now...not that I'm for censorship in any way, because I'm not, but I can see how kids can get so incredibly desensitized to things around them...it's all like some action-packed movie...yet it's all very real...

I'm a gore fanatic...always have been a huge fan of gory movies...the bloodier the better...horror books...you name it...but, I know fantasy from reality...some kids won't...

No, don't think for a second I was saying you should shelter your kids...I'm just disappointed in myself and how easy it was to access something so incredibly graphic...my fault...no one to blame but myself, but at least I'll be more aware of what's out there and try to do what I can to keep my kids from seeing it unless I feel they're capable of handling and understanding what they see...when they're in their 50's!
I think we need to be reminded of what the world is really like and used to be here in America. Granted young children need to be sheltered until their older but I think access to this kind of material will keep the real prespective in our heads. When the most important thing in our life is who JLo has married, our conutry will be doomed. And sometimes I think that day is very close.
I think teaching history and learning from past mistakes is a good thing...even subjecting kids to images from the Holocaust and other snapshots in our history is surely a way to begin to understand the depth of inhumanity...

Thoughts of your kids sitting at a PC and just clicking a few buttons to see someone being murdered is quite a different scenario...sure, we all learn that the people that carry out these murders are inhumane and cruel, but really, what does seeing that type of violence (in a child's eye) offer up in the way of bettering ourselves?

Turn on the news and we're reminded hourly, hell, second by second with those tickers along the bottom of the screen, that the world is a cruel place and hopefully we all know our place in it, do our part to make things better if we can...I'm just concerned over how much is at our fingertips that may expose children to things they just should not see...and to think for years now I've really been more concerned with the porn available at the click of a button...hell, I'd rather they see that than what I saw today...

Just my thoughts...it's been a long week and it's only friggin' Tuesday!
I saw the video in B&W, Color
I wasn't sure if it was true.
It looked so true but didn't really want to believe it I guess.
Once you start watching it it's hard to stop.
It's so unbeliveable what can humans do.
Personally, I steer clear of this kinda stuff. Ya, I know it happens, I know you can find it if you look (or don't look). But for me there's no point. I have also given up reading the darn paper too.. isn't there anything good going on in the world any more? I am in NO way condemning or passing judgement on those who watch these videos.. it's just not for me, that's all. my 2 cents.
There is a lot of good in the world but the media will never show it unless its a slow news day(bad stuff going on). They make there money by instilling fear in the population so the will watch and see what the bad people are doing.

I think you may have addressed my response wrong because I think exactly how you do when it comes to the little ones. The internet is a dangerous place. I have been out there. Somalia and Afghanistan so I know what really goes on. People bitchin here about the prisoners in Guantanamo have a better life there then the do at home. Yet I get to see the Afghans cut the head off of a wounded Navy Seal and come to here about there rights.

Sorry I am ranting....
As disturbing as it may be, we have used these type of videos for "reality training" before. Before we deploy to different regions we need to ensure that the younger fresher Marines don't get over-confident. They need to understand that there are people out there that truly want nothing more than to say they have killed an "enemy" soldier and we seem to be one of the bigger targets.

Is it in bad taste, yes. Does it get the point across that we need to be completely aware of our surroundings at all times and not take the little we have for granted, Hell Yes.

Just my .02
uh...  link??


I don't really want to put a link to something like that on here Rip...kids do check this site out...hell, I've given a friend's 9 year old a h.org t-shirt and the address...he's lurking on here all of the time for pics of Busas...

I'll try to find what I found and PM you if you'd like...it's really not worth seeing unless you just want to...the little I was willing to watch keeps running through my mind and I can't get it out...it's just that bad...
 I think you may have addressed my response wrong because I think exactly how you do when it comes to the little ones.  The internet is a dangerous place.  I have been out there.  Somalia and Afghanistan so I know what really goes on.  People bitchin here about the prisoners in Guantanamo have a better life there then the do at home.  Yet I get to see the Afghans cut the head off of a wounded Navy Seal and come to here about there rights.  

Sorry I am ranting....
No...we're cool Howling...I just didn't want you to think I was walking down the road of "hey, we need to censor this stuff" or that those parents that choose to let their kids see this stuff were necessary wrong or bad for doing so...

I was really commenting on how much is at our fingertips and if parents aren't involved in monitoring what their kids find, well, those kids might become more and more desensitized to inhumanity...

We're on the same page I think...you have seen far more than I will ever see, so I surely understand your stance for not sheltering your kids from it; teaching them how the world really operates when they're ready...
I tried to tell you a while back.
I know Mark...it wasn't the Berg video...it was something else...I did try to watch the Berg video and didn't make it through that either...I heard it, but didn't watch it (like a kid in a scary movie...eyes covered)...ughhh...

Curiosity killed the cat...MEOW!!!
Yeah VABUSA i saw it too, along with other things on another site i will not mention. but it was NASTY. BUT i dont mind seeing those things, cuz it makes me aware that there are still plenty of very bad people out there. Always keep your guard up, always!