I 'm going turbo..


Never Forgotten
..Ok, I will be going this direction - maybe sooner than I expected since I have the busa for three months, done four trackdays, cruised about 10.000 km around Europe and even COMMUTE daily with the beast in the frenzy traffic of Athens-Greece..

I've come accross two nice systems - Hahnn Stage I and Dennis Ghetto. Of course there must be plenty more out there, so please let's have your enlightened opinions and tips/advice for a moderate kit/configuration around 220-240 hp (..mainly the NOT-TO's.. ..I've read a lot of horror stories about stock pistons "1000 miles-a-pop!.. ..this is NOT an option for me! repairs cost THOUSANDS more in Greece..).

Also what are the EXTRAS that will be needed - cause I understand that NO kit is complete.. I am after a one-off solution, preferably proved & tested (and idiot-proof regarding installation!.. ..we got plenty of those around here, in the moto repair shops..

Thank you in advance - I value your opinion and knowledge too much not to ask..
As you said there are many Turbos around, you need to decide on power required and how much $/hp you are willing to pay. Once you have these two parameters then you should visit their relevant supplier site ask for details reliability /upgradeability / delivery schedule   Well that was my approach. Kit usual take long time once you place an order I had to wait about 9 weeks for mine So be prepare for the long wait .

After that I suggest you spend some times going through the articles listed here in the Turbo area and also visit other Hayabusa groups to verify and confirm what the supplier told you. Different people have different experiences but I think you will be able to make up your mind   after gathering all the facts.

By the way Dennis Ghetto kit looks good the price is good and the installation instructions are very detailed.

Good luck on your venture


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As you said there are many Turbos around, you need to decide on power required and how much $/hp you are willing to pay. Once you have these two parameters then you should visit their relevant supplier site ask for details reliability /upgradeability / delivery schedule   Well that was my approach. Kit usual take long time once you place an order I had to wait about 9 weeks for mine So be prepare for the long  wait .

After that I suggest you spend some times going through the articles listed here in the Turbo area and also visit other Hayabusa groups to verify and confirm what the supplier told you. Different people have different experiences but I think you will be able to make up your mind   after gathering all the facts.

By the way Dennis Ghetto kit looks good the price is good and the installation instructions are very detailed.

Good luck on your venture

..madlyhs, thanks for the info..

Actually, I don't want to brake the Bank, neither am I looking to a drag-strip bike, on the contrary! I want my busa to be absolutely rideable and reliable, stock pistons and all, standard arm - and to this end I am NOT opting in anything more than 220-240hp. I have a feeling that beyond that point the bike will be completely useless on everyday use, including track-days!..

Anybody who can offer some additional advice on those grounds, would be most welcome..
My first concern is that you have the skill to make the install...If not then you need to know/have access to an installer that does...Your local mechanic probably is not going to have the knowledge required to do the install correctly...Next would be a Bare Bones Kit (Velocity) or Ghetto Kit (Dennis/Motorhead) I would stray away from these kits because the buyer becomes responsible for the parts that are not included reason I would stray refer back to the first concern...Don't know alot about Hahn...Ninja Eater does and I'm sure he will see this thread...Make sure your bike is mechanically sound before you do any turbo install...If not your defeating yourself and you will end up paying out the a$$ and suffer alot of down time...Read some of my threads...

Get as much info as you can and absorb it prior to making a kit purchase...Don't rely solely on the info posted on the boards...Most of the companies will provide you with info ref their system cause they do want to sell the product to you...

As Madlyhs stated $'s/HP...Take your time and make a good decision...
why not going with a NOS kit?

cheap, easy to install and you can easily get 220-240hp
..to my knowledge, th NOS systems are operating in a "switchable" manner (although I could be wrong..) that I don't particularly care about.. I don't make 1/4 drag races - I just want SOME extra juice, all the time.. Also too many prefer the turbo way instead of NOS, too (as far as I 've seen from this forum..).

Reliability is an issue with NOS, as well (again, I could be wrong..).

Your lights, please?
Someone correct me if am wrong
but you can buy a controller that can give diff power gain depending on the RPM's or you can get the NOS to kick in when WOT only.
It is my understanding that wet kit are more reliable than dry kit. But they are more expensive and more difficult to install.

I would also think that you don't wan't the turbo to kick in when you are driving twisties. It's mainly a straghtline thing. Same to the NOS.

Why not starting with a NOS kit which run for a 1000 with the controller. And if you don't like it get the Turbo. You can keep the NOS with the turbo but I understand you are lookin for 220-240hp. You can always sell the kit.

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What i have heard, rreliability with NOS is not a problem if you go with 20-40% boost = 180hp to 210hp which is not bad for the money
I'm not a guru on either of these applications but I believe that wizard is interested in the turbo not only for the power but as a constant source of the same...Unlike nos the turbo never has to be refilled therefore almost no maintenance...Also once you are comfortable with the system you can ride it virtually anywhere and anyway you choose making it a plus as a twisties bike...I don't think with nos it can be treated the same, would a nos bike hit the button while in a lean...I think not...

I didn't do the research that I so encourage others to do prior to making a purchase...My bike had some serious faults and the turbo may them more apparent...I should be go to go after this latest episode but it has cost me $ wise and alot of the riding season...
Someone correct me if am wrong
but you can buy a controller that can give diff power gain depending on the RPM's or you can get the NOS to kick in when WOT only.
It is my understanding that wet kit are more reliable than dry kit. But they are more expensive and more difficult to install.

I would also think that you don't wan't the turbo to kick in when you are driving twisties. It's mainly a straghtline thing. Same to the NOS.

Why not starting with a NOS kit which run for a 1000 with the controller. And if you don't like it get the Turbo. You can keep the NOS with the turbo but I understand you are lookin for 220-240hp. You can always sell the kit.
Someone correct me if am wrong
but you can buy a controller that can give diff power gain depending on the RPM's or you can get the NOS to kick in when WOT only.
It is my understanding that wet kit are more reliable than dry kit. But they are more expensive and more difficult to install.


I would also think that you don't wan't the turbo to kick in when you are driving twisties. It's mainly a straghtline thing. Same to the NOS.


Why not starting with a NOS kit which run for a 1000 with the controller. And if you don't like it get the Turbo. You can keep the NOS with the turbo but I understand you are lookin for 220-240hp. You can always sell the kit.

thanks for the correction NE

what i was trying to say is that turbo lag in a curve can be very surprising i have seen a guy crash way back with gpz550 turbo way back. Probably the new turbos have less lag but still i am pretty sure when it kicks it really kicks in. But you know better than me. I am turboless!

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..thanks for the input guys, turbo it is for me..

I came accross Stage 2 by Velocity, with the GT-25, and seems preeetty much what I am looking for! I can start without the water injection which will bring me around 200-210. THEN, after I get the "hang" of it I can go to stage 2 with enough juice to water the entire plant! (up to 300hp..). I don't think I will ever go further than that - I am looking to build a STREETABLE turbo bike, not the Challenger on wheels..

Velocity are reputable company, yes?
..I believe that wizard is interested in the turbo not only for the power but as a constant source of the same...Unlike nos the turbo never has to be refilled therefore almost no maintenance...Also once you are comfortable with the system you can ride it virtually anywhere and anyway you choose making it a plus as a twisties bike...I don't think with nos it can be treated the same, would a nos bike hit the button while in a lean...I think not...
..right on the money! that's exactly what I am after..
Velocity is a good copany yes. Watch the back log and time schedulig of the promised product though, and that is with evryone. Don't look at water to increase the boost, look at it as a safty precaution. Even @ 240hp ou can melt a motor if you are on it log and ard.
Sounds more like your in the market for the Velocity Stage 1 street kit...That's what I have...It can be set up any where from 200hp to nearly 300hp...If your gonna get a system I agree with Ninja Eater that you add the safety of a water injection system...Do it on the front start of the project so it will be set up with the system...It's more to it than just slapping it on...
Stunnah - Ninja Eater = good, solid advice from both.. I am going for a Velocity Stage II, wet. Hope I can set it right from the beginning, I hate melted metal!..

..I was coming back from a meeting this evening, and my right hand was, well, "itching".. Found myself in accelaration Nirvana, just about flying low - spinning my rear wheel with whatever gear was on - and thought "WTF do you need turbo for!.."..

..my next thought was: cause it's there, and I can get it..

..am I hopeless?..

(..and considered myself a "touring" kinda-rider.. ..that was, in PRE-busa times.. )
Just to give you some input on the ghetto kit from dennis...$3600 shipped..I added a BO valve for about $200 more. The quality is exceptional and I installed it myself. I took it out yesterday for a club ride...250 miles of stop and go traffic plus a 7000 foot mountain pass..the turbo was flawless...idled smooth, mid-range was smooth and the boost was awesome...around town the bike acts like a normal busa but hit the throttle and hold on...most guys that have this kit on a bone-stock motor put down 260-280HP

The kits also ship with a 38mm Tial external wastegate, filter, boost and fuel guages, fuel press regulator, fuel pump, and all other necessary itmes for the install.

Also, this kit and filter install in the stock bodywork...

Check out my install pics on the turbo board

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Just to give you some input on the ghetto kit from dennis...$3600 shipped..I added a BO valve for about $200 more. The quality is exceptional and I installed it myself. I took it out yesterday for a club ride...250 miles of stop and go traffic plus a 7000 foot mountain pass..the turbo was flawless...idled smooth, mid-range was smooth and the boost was awesome...around town the bike acts like a normal busa but hit the throttle and hold on...most guys that have this kit on a bone-stock motor put down 260-280HP

The kits also ship with a 38mm Tial external wastegate, filter, boost and fuel guages, fuel press regulator, fuel pump, and all other necessary itmes for the install.

Also, this kit and filter install in the stock bodywork...

Check out my install pics on the turbo board
..saw it also on ebay, for about the same price (BO valve for $400 though..).. This is not a "wet" system, right?..

After a little research, I am very sceptical about it now..

My main concerns are two:

first, I haven't talked to a single person in the knowing in Greece that hasn't told me "DON'T DO IT!".. "..reason is that it stresses the motor so much that you will end up with big parts' list named "useless-pistons-and-other-turbo-treated-material"..

Can this be true? Again, I am not talking dragster championship here, just a "humble" 220-250 hp.. Is it affecting the reliability of my busa at all? If yes, I 'll have no part of it - spares here cost MUCHO DENARO!..

second, there is not much experience around here with turbo installations on bikes (actually, there is none!..) so I am on my own really.. I can tell the difference between a phillips screwdriver from a philips electric razor, but I am a bit worried when it comes to something that when put wrongly has caused enough tears to some of you guys..

..and I cry louzy!..

so, what's "coming down"?