I\'m headed for Deals Gap


I am going to be at Deals Gap next week from Wednesday till Saturday, if there are any locals from down there who would like to get together. Also, could I get a report on the roads and weather down there? It is still snowing here in NY! Thanks.
I personally would wait a few weeks....they even had some wet snow this last weekend. Remember that is at probably 2-3000 feet maybe more. I live 4 hours away...it was 75 here today and a good guess was that it may have been 50-55 there. Good Luck if you`re still going!
Hi Supermax, Let me know when you get there and I will meet you. You can reach me at 423-689-5996 look forward to seeing you again.
Mike Acuff
Thanks Mike. I was just going to call you tonight, from the Vmax members book, because I didn't know your e-mail address. I'll definitly be calling. I need another Busa in my group!