I need help ID'ing a problem

hey, I'm new to the forums and really lost. I have done everything I can think of and the problem hasnt been fixed. I have a 99 hayabusa with full yoshi exhaust, PCIII. the bike had been sitting in my garage for the past year and a half. I decided to get it running again so I sent it to the local dealership to have it serviced and any problems they found fixed. Well they told me that it needed a new fuel pump from sitting so long. they did the service and I picked up the bike tonight. I went for a ride and the bike after a little bit died. I realized that they had not reconnected the switch for my fan(has a kill switch for the fan connected to the battery - i dont know why, it's from the previous owner) and my fan was not turning on. needless to say it had over heated and was spewing out coolant. well I let it cool down and connected the fan. I went to turn into a parking lot(to let it cool off somewhere other than the side of the road) and it died again. well I sat there and waited and let it cool down for a long time and turned it on and let it idle. The idle was extremely choppy sounding. well I limped the bike home and it seemed to run ok. I have no clue at this point if it was just that the bike wasnt working because it was hot or if there is another problem that has been overlooked. I want to check the map on the PC but I dont have a link to do it. and I have no clue what the original owner had it set up for.

as you can tell I am not very mechanically inclined and this problem is the same one that caused me to let the bike go inactive over a year ago. I really am at my wits end with this bike and am starting to wish I never bought it.

if you could please help shed some light on this problem, I would be eternally greatful. Cause I have no clue even where to begin.


Matthew, first,

I'm sorry that you started having so many problems right after getting it serviced. If I read correctly, because they neglected to hook up the fan, the bike overheated - that's when the problems started, correct? If it were me, I would be taking it directly back to the shop where you had the work done! Having the bike overheat and 'spew' coolant everywhere is never good! Other damage could have been done!

There are many other reasons for the bike to run rough, but based on what you described, I would immediately take it back and let them fix any and all problems due to their negligence!

I know it's probably not the answer you were looking for, but I think it would be in your best interest.

Good Luck!

PS - please post up some pics!
usually the fuel pump is okay even if the bike's been sitting a year. i wonder if they hustled u there. either way, like omslaw said, it overheating may have caused further internal damage. when it shut off, how did it behave? did it sputter some or just shut off as if u hit the kill switch?

if it sputtered a good bit, it could be a fuel problem. if it pretty much just shut off, i'd look into electrical, like a stator or regulator/rectifier problem. also, if u can, lift the tank and make sure no fuel or fuel tank beather lines are pinched. pay close attention as ur setting the tank back down becuase that's when they tend to pinch up.
ya, I definately will be, the shop was already closed(I picked it up 30minutes before they closed). but I will be having them come pick the bike up and take it back to their shop and fix it. if nothing else to make sure no damage was done. but actually the problem of the bike shutting off randomly was happening to me over a year ago. it is the reason it was sitting in my garage. I have had people tell me it is an electrical problem, I've been told that it was a fuel pump problem, I've been told it was clogged fuel injectors. and I just dont have the mechanical knowledge to figure it out on my own.

btw, here are some pics of my problem child
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again, thanks to any advice. I have just ran out of things to do. I thought a dealership would get it done correctly this time.
I hate to hear these kind of posts. I doubt if I can be much help, but someone here will guide you through. just have patients, we'll have you up and runinng in no time.
most likely electrical then. fuel problems usually have a little sputtering or hesitation before they conk the bike out, or the bike will bogg down a bit. since it was running when it shut down, i'd have my stator and rectifier/regulator checked. u can check them with a volt meter, as long as u can get the bike started. if u have one, i can probably let u know how to test them on here. if ur gonna have a shop check it out, first check the connections to both devices by unplugging them, cleaning them, and plugging them back in. i worked on 2 bikes, a kawi 636 and 1000rr and the connection for the rect/reg was either dirty or burned up. if it's as simple as that, it would be a waste of money to have a shop check it out.
I have one, and I have a friend who is very mechanically inclined who has just started riding(he was with me tonight). maybe I can get him to help me check them out. I guess my first thing is figuring out how to get to them and how to test them. thanks a ton for the help. I'm so sick of these ******* shops not fixing the problem.
cool. first touch the battery posts with the voltage meter while the bike is turned off. (unfortunately i only have 1000RR numbers in mind, but most bikes work within the same voltage level. i encourage u to check the busa owner's manual though) the battery should have between 12.2 and i think 14 volts. the battery should hold a charge between 12.2 and around 15 volts; no more, and certainly no less.

next, turn the bike on and check the voltage while u rev it up to 5k rpm with the highbeams on. again, if it drops below 12.2 volts, then the stator isnt making enough power (like a car's alternator) or ur Rectifier/Regulator isn't allowing enough power through to the battery. if either of these components is faulty, it'll cause the bike to just shut down while riding, even though all the lights may still work.

start with this for now. checking the R/R and the stator are just a tad more in depth, but not too much. it's just a matter of finding the wires that lead to them and checking them with the voltage meter. hopefully its just the R/R cuz it's super easy to replace. pm me if u need more info and i'll give it to ya on this thread in case someone else has the same problem. good luck, man.
oh yeah, one guy on a 1000RR forum said his PCIII was messing his bike up and shutting it down. i never mess with those things though cuz i'm mostly a commuter so i dont need top end performance. another bud of mine had a faulty kill switch. it would just shut off his stuntbike midwheelie. to check that, u can bypass the two wires that go into the kill switch and connect them, which will disable the killswitch from shutting the bike down. i'd save that for last though cuz it involves cutting and soldering or cremping those wires.
if u haven't tried it already, try running it without the PCIII. also try putting some fuel injector cleaner in the fuel.

what is it doing now, just a choppy/spuddering idle or also when u roll on the throttle?
well I just sent the bike back to the shop. for me it was idling really rough, but didnt run it today. my buddy turned it on when he helped get it on the trailer and said it idled strong. I havent tried the pc3 yet, if all checks out fine tomorrow and I get it back I will try disconnecting it and going without it. my friend was going to try that but didnt have time before they picked it up.
well, an update, got it back on wednesday night and got it out on the street. Ran well for the ride. I was out for about 1 1/2 - 2 hours just trying to see if anything would go wrong. so far so good. it was wet today so I didnt take it out, but fully plan to take it out tomorrow,saturday, and sunday to put it through it's paces as much as I can. would like to put a lot of miles on this weekend to prove to myself that the bike is fixed.
I will repost on sunday to hopefully say that it is running like a champ! until then, I'm hoping it makes it
. if it does...
and thanks for all the help to this point.

