I need some motor help

too many toys

Thankfully this is not for my Busa. It is for my 06 Suzuki ltz400. While out on the trails with my son, the motor started to sound like a sewing machine and shortly after locked up. After getting it home and tearing it down, I found that it had dropped a exhaust valve. The valve broke off in the motor and damaged a intake valve as well. There is a dent in the piston and some marks in the combustion chamber also. The real damage is the valve guides. The bottom of each guide is chipped off where it extends into the valve pocket. I brought the head to a engine machine shop and he doesnt have the tools to change the guides (too small). The machinist did suggest however that I take the rest of the bottom of the guide off and do a little porting while Im at it. Will this work? Will removing the part of the guide that extends out have any negative effects?
Hmm, I think I would be doing some research online and perhaps getting a new head, valves, piston, rings, etc.
I agree with you there but I dont have the money for that. I have a good set of valves, springs,shims and buckets from a old head that I have to use right now

Does anyone know of a shop that does bike motors around NYC?
I would still replace the damaged guides, even if you where porting it!