I never liked the busa anyway!!!!


Donating Member
So, heres the story...
I FINALLY decided to take the plunge and get a loan for a busa. I go to the bank, and apply for a personal loan... Denied because I don't have anything as collateral. No big, I'll just do a vehicle loan. I talked with the loan officer, she said as long as the 900 gets paid off, I should be able to get the loan (She didn't see a reason why not), so I go for it. Gave her the specs on the bike (Tree's 02 LE, basicly everything I want in a Busa, except turbo). She said the bike is worth x amount (can't remember, more than tree was asking) and she could get me a loan for 90% of the value. Okay, let's go for it!!! So I was waiting last night to hear back, nothing. Get a call this morning while working, it's the bank!! She says I need a cosigner, or else I can't get the loan. FACK!!! This SUCKS!! I would try and talk mom into it, but she wouldn't be approved anyway (joint loans with step-dad), and that's the only person I feel comfortable asking to cosign. I've got a bud that might do it, I know he's got good credit, but I don't like to do that kinda stuff. So... looks like I'm Busaless for now. I was hoping to have it by the bash at least, if not the VA spring ride, but I guess that ain't happening.

scuse me, I'm gonna go cuss the world out for hating me now. Just when I find the PERFECT bike for me, something get's F-ed up. This sucks. Tree, I'm sorry if I got your hopes up of getting the bike off your hands. I really thought it was gonna happen. I even had it planned out to make a road trip to St Louis this weekend. Oh well.
Well, you could always try the dealership and see if you can get a NEW busa. Not trying to stop you from buying this busa at all so please don't take offence. You could always try another finacial institute.
Well, you could always try the dealership and see if you can get a NEW busa. Not trying to stop you from buying this busa at all so please don't take offence. You could always try another finacial institute.
I'm think about it, but I'm working late the next few days... won't be off till after the banks close, and I leave at 5 AM
sorry to hear, man. Keep the faith, though. If it's any consolation, I had to go through what you just did SIX times before I was able to land a deal. I couldn't be happier, though. The 99 rocks.
Just be patient and try to call one of them a day during lunch or something. If they approve you set up the paperwork signing during lunch if possible take a longer lunch to finish. I had that problem before to just keep at it.
Well, you could always try the dealership and see if you can get a NEW busa. Not trying to stop you from buying this busa at all so please don't take offence. You could always try another finacial institute.
Now there's a plan Yammi ! What ya got to lose ? I feel for ya big guy .......
If you do decide to go through different dealerships, don't let alot of them run your credit because that lowers your credit score.
Sell your 900rr 1st then buy one.

I sold my 900rr and all my extra junk and paid cash for mine, was bikeless for about 4 months...ebay is your friend
(thinking to myself) Let's see, hmmm..... shuld i put my new 02' LE here, or over there in my garage.

Yama, i'm goin all out and am getting a big blower fan, so when your sitting on it you can feel like your riding.

Pics are $10, $20 with my autograph.

Just kiddin ben
I wouldn't charge you for a pic.

I have no soul.


Ultimate way to get him back .....................................
..........Make him the co-signer !
Sell your 900rr 1st then buy one.  

I sold my 900rr and all my extra junk and paid cash for mine, was bikeless for about 4 months...ebay is your friend
I would, but then I'd miss prime riding season. AND I'd be bikeless for the busa bash, and the spring ride. If it wasn't for those......

I still wouldn't sell, My sanity is finely balanced on 2 wheels.

hmm, good saying. You can quote me on that. I just got a new sig line.
Ben, you know your welcome to take the Busa for a ride when you want to.

Heck, i'll even turn the fan on the high setting for that super fast effect!
No need to thank me.