I propose a new law of the land


All motorcycle riders by law be required to carry a handgun. Dont you think the cagers might pay more attn to us then.

Couple weeks again this **** runs a red light near my house, hits a harley and the husband loses his leg and the wife has to have extensive surgery to save hers.

Then last Saturday, my neighbors are riding Harleys man and wife and this idiot is putting a dip of skoal in and crosses his two lanes and hits the husband first and then the wife head on and she lost her leg and had a 7 hour surgery on her arm. I think she is still in coma too. The husband has serious injuries to his hand too I am told.

So be careful and lets all shooting back. :moon:
Dk as one who carries just for protection and agree with you I wonder how carrying a gun would have or could have helped the folks you mention in your post ?
Certainly not gonna stop a car from running over you ?
Dk as one who carries just for protection and agree with you I wonder how carrying a gun would have or could have helped the folks you mention in your post ?
Certainly not gonna stop a car from running over you ?

It might turn the table and at least make them be more considerate. It wouldnt ever happen, just an idea, in a different time I guess.
Dk as one who carries just for protection and agree with you I wonder how carrying a gun would have or could have helped the folks you mention in your post ?
Certainly not gonna stop a car from running over you ?

At least he could have shot that clown after, wont save a leg, but would certainly cheer me up
mabey "bubba" can chime in on this one as you will be intimate with him once you "express" your displeasure at the cagers poor judgement :rulez:
too many people shoot instead of thinking in alot of situations that is not the answer.. A gun would just complacate things on a road rage situation.. I know I went too deep on this
I carry everywhere anyway!
Its not just a tank bag, its housing for the Springfield XD!

I have always thought that riders should get some sort of tax break for using a machine that gets 50 plus mpg and reduces traffic congestion, maybe that would get more folks to ride!
I think we just went thru the whole 'carrying' thing....:whistle:

Probably wouldn't stop the incident, maybe after the fact....
too many people shoot instead of thinking in alot of situations that is not the answer.. A gun would just complacate things on a road rage situation.. I know I went too deep on this


Just because you ride a bike doesn't mean you are mentally stable enough to carry a gun!!

The laws should just be tighter envolving bikes!
We should just charge the people that won't operate a vehicle responsibly with felonies jail time or whatever.
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