I traded Busa for ZX 12!!!!!!!

Ice Man:I agree, if you compare the 2 dyno curves, the ZX12 ACTUALLY DOES have 15 hp less than the 'busa over most of the rev range. It only beats it in SOME tests (but not all), above 9500 rpm, and then by only 2 or 3 hp.

I reckon this guy is on a wind-up, and I think he's not using his usual Username!
The fact is this.....and it's undisputed, stock for stock, the Hayabusa is faster...PERIOD.
I wanted to love the ZX12. I've always liked kawasakis raw side, but the 12 is an unfinished product and the fact is it fell short of the mark.
The 12 was supposed to obliterate the Busa.
Even if it squeaked by it wouldn't be enough to meet its claims.
The Soozook does what it does and the big deal is it does it effortlessly without complaint. The Busa is a brute in a tux.
Kinda like a Lexus with a 500 cubic inch big block on nitrous. Power on demand...its a masterpiece.
I don't think "Speedster" has ever been close to a Hayabusa.

Personally i think of the ZX-12 instead of football in order to prevent premature ejaculation !!!
You guys got to wake up sometime. Recently traded my '99 copper/silver ( 23000 km's, full Acropovic, 168 rwhp ) for 12. The 12 will kick your asses all day long, without having a hard time at all, in stock form!! Busa is a real **** bike compared to this Kawa masterpiece!! It handles like a piece of **** compared to the 12, not even mentioning the performance.
..tisk...tisk... You weren't using your busa properly!

Ah well, too late now... what's your first mod!? hehe the mirrors!? ugg
I feel sorry for you. Read the new Cycle mag. Kawasaki is extending the breakin time to 2000 miles, because they're breaking connecting rods left and right.
Good luck pal!
Everybody here KNOWS your just fukking with us. If you really did do it, you lose.
Remember what P.T. Barnum said. Theres one born every minute. I think we found one.
The kawasaki is good if your going to sit down and have a cup of coffee and compare dyno sheets. In the real world, compared to the busa the kawasaki acts as if it had 15 HP
less than the busa. and i have owned kaws all my life. and almost bought the 12 but
i made the right choice and got the busa, i also own a zx9 so i am just not pro suzuki.
your mistake, that is nothing to brag about
if i were you i would not tell anyone, and ride only at night so no one will know its you.

[This message has been edited by THE ICE MAN (edited 27 June 2000).]
not to mention the high speed handling of the busa is not even worth a comparison it is so much better than anything else,not that the 12's high speed handling is bad.I believe the term is "on rails", isn't it?The press seems to downplay the importance of how good this really is.MAYBE ITS NOT IMPORTANT ON A 200MPH BIKE since they(we) are going to be restricted next year anyway?Should we start e-mailing the beauracrats,or just keep taking shots at each other?

Busa wins every time?

someone on this board (whose name escapes me) quoted at least 10 tests in which the 'busa beat the 12 on both top speed AND acceleration.

Bike magazine here in the UK has just done a 4 - bike shootout with the 'busa, 12, zx9 and 'bird. comparing the busa and the 12,

0-60 busa: 2.52; ZX12: 3.36
0-100 busa: 5.08; ZX12: 6.24
0-130 busa: 8.28; ZX12: 9.40

OK, so the '12 handles better? - not according to Bike: "...the 'busa's low-slung nature means it feels a little sportier than the 12R."

"in most riding conditions the 12R was stable enough. It held it's line - but reached it's limits long before the busa"

"the 12R should be a great handling, quick turning machine, but it's the Busa that's more stable and predictable"

"You do get the impression that on a race track the Busa would disappear, benefiting as it does from a slightly sportier feel..."

The ZX12 wins every time? I think not! :)