If You Could Do It ALL OVER Again ?


Donating Member
What would if be ???

I would have kept the Camaro back in 99.

Never Stopped Riding in 89
Would have kept the GF i had in 1998. :laugh:
Would have shot my x-wife, the day I met her, I'd only have a few years left now !!! :laugh:

Would have definately JUST SAID NO !!!!
I dont have many regrets in my life, but if i can think of one, it would be not buying the 99 hayabusa off my neighbor back in 2001. At the time I had a GSXR750 that i was happy with. DOH!!!!!!!!!!
Rarely do people regret what they did. They regret the things they did not do, the chances they did not take.

Those of you who regret falling in love and having a nasty relationship, the risks are always worth it. At least, now you know! :D

My regret right now is not finishing school. Gotta get it under a roll now and it's tough to get it going.
