I'm an Idiot


Last night I was installing my integrator tail light and forgot to connect the latch cable before installing the cowl.

Is anyone willing to admit how they overcame doing the same?

I was thinking of either drilling the bottom or behind the taillight to gain access.
You're not the first person to do this. There are a number of solutions on the board, do a search. Some were able to get at it without having to drill holes, but you need small hands (or know someone who has!)
I have read about so many people doing this. I removed my tail section last night and was so friggin paranoid, this is something I would definatly have done if I had not read about it. I don't know how many times I got stuck on something because of a mistake, don't feel bad. i.e. the first time I removed my side panels I had the pin under the spedo and the screw on top of the fairing backwards, I could not figure out WTF.. I actually had to go to the dealership the next day and look at a busa before I realized that is why the bolt would not screw into the pin slot! I taped the latch up inside the tail while I worked on it.

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<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>I KEEP TELLING EVERYONE.....</span>

Drill ya a tiny hole in the mechanisim and run a piece of fishing line or SPIDER WIRE thru it. Run it down to your SECRET LOCATION so you can at least tug it to get into the trunk.

Is the seat on or the hump?

It was the hump. I took off all the screws, rivets, tail light, seat and the middle section and was able to stick my hand in through the right side of the bike and release the lock.

Only one war injury and odly enough it was not on the hand inside the bike. Go figure.... Process took about 1Hr. I lost one of the rivets that holds the middle section. Found it later hidding underneath the battery wire.

Thank you for pointing me to the other post.
A very frustrating thing. The one time that I did it I called the dealership to find out what they would do and charge me! Didn't have my new undertail yet, so I was willing to sacrifice it.
that sux bro, i have not done it myself but others here have. Glad to see you got back in so quick.
I just did this today. Just bought the bike 2 days ago and cut the rear tail late last night. Threw the bike back together to take to my brother-in-laws house to install the trailor mod integrated into my tail lights. I threw the hump on without putting the wire back, DOOHHHH.

After about and hour of trying everything we couldn'd do it. We drilled a 3/8 hole in the underside used a screw driver with bailing wire as a hool to get over the bottom plastic piece. We had it open in 2 minutes. My poor brother-in-law has scratched up arms and a tone of patience. I could have never done it. We even consulted this board trying to figure it out but I guess our hands and arms were to big.
I have done it and got through it without any holes, take the seat off and all the exterior bolts, reach up under the right side and accross the top to the release lever. 2 people is better than one, a wife or a girl friend with small arms, it hurts the arm and you think the plastic is going to break but you can do it, I have and only once, good learning lesson.

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