Mikey D
You's asked...
Here I is.
Thanks VA for the look up this summer! You caught me at my In-law's house for my 1 week summer vacation in Cali.
Nope Rivvum, no detention hall for me.
Been Workin my keaster off. 50 hour weeks welding roll off boxes (those giant dumpsters that roll of the back of a truck) back together. When I wasn't doing that I was working on the addition. Got it 96% done! Yippee!
Didn't get to ride but twice (yes twice! WTF?!?) this summer! My boss hired a former student who picked me up every day for the 70 mile commute to work. Of course I didn't want to put that many 2 up miles on Suzie (specially with a guy!) so I floated in the Mark 8 with the AC on full bore.
Gots many, many projects on line...
- Remodeling the old master bath
- Reroofing the roof which needs to be reroofed with roofing stuff!
- gots a porch cover (14' X 42') that's gonna go up
- Then prolly should put a porch under it so it dosen't look silly.
- Gonna get my contractors licence to install solar panels and grid tie inverters.
- Doing the Cubmaster gig, and the Assistant District Commissioner gig, and the senior patrol leader gig and the Cubmaster trainer gig and any other gig they ask me to.
(I know, I know, you can spell know 2 different ways.)
- Building an enclose trailer for my Cub Scout Pack
- Selling Weldng rod on ebay (yup, shameless plug)
- gitt'n a tractor for dad
- and trying to raise the remaining 4 kids.
And that's all I can think of at the moment.
I'm back at school so I can spend some time conversing with ya'll wierdos.
I've even ridden Sizie a few times this week!
With enough clamor, I might be convinced to take some picts of the addition.
It's good to be back!
Here I is.
Thanks VA for the look up this summer! You caught me at my In-law's house for my 1 week summer vacation in Cali.
Nope Rivvum, no detention hall for me.
Been Workin my keaster off. 50 hour weeks welding roll off boxes (those giant dumpsters that roll of the back of a truck) back together. When I wasn't doing that I was working on the addition. Got it 96% done! Yippee!
Didn't get to ride but twice (yes twice! WTF?!?) this summer! My boss hired a former student who picked me up every day for the 70 mile commute to work. Of course I didn't want to put that many 2 up miles on Suzie (specially with a guy!) so I floated in the Mark 8 with the AC on full bore.
Gots many, many projects on line...
- Remodeling the old master bath
- Reroofing the roof which needs to be reroofed with roofing stuff!
- gots a porch cover (14' X 42') that's gonna go up
- Then prolly should put a porch under it so it dosen't look silly.
- Gonna get my contractors licence to install solar panels and grid tie inverters.
- Doing the Cubmaster gig, and the Assistant District Commissioner gig, and the senior patrol leader gig and the Cubmaster trainer gig and any other gig they ask me to.
(I know, I know, you can spell know 2 different ways.)
- Building an enclose trailer for my Cub Scout Pack
- Selling Weldng rod on ebay (yup, shameless plug)
- gitt'n a tractor for dad
- and trying to raise the remaining 4 kids.
And that's all I can think of at the moment.
I'm back at school so I can spend some time conversing with ya'll wierdos.
I've even ridden Sizie a few times this week!
With enough clamor, I might be convinced to take some picts of the addition.
It's good to be back!