My other post has the details. I'm a bit lost. Could the fpu be bad? The pump? How do you diagnose? Any help GREATLY appreciated.
UPDATE JULY 2006: Rebuilt the fpr. Waiting for new rubber piece to replace existing piece. The fpr now works, but it is still squeeling after the fuel pressure boosts way up and then comes back down. Might be the rising rate needle valve clogging? I think that a replacement needle valve is coming in the official begi rebuild kit that I ordered. I'm sticking with the .010 shim though. They are sending out .003 shims in their kit. They say to use two of them.Sounds like they know it's a weak link. You guys have saved me alot of hassle. Thanks much for your help.
Reason for Edit: None given...|1152634919 -->
UPDATE JULY 2006: Rebuilt the fpr. Waiting for new rubber piece to replace existing piece. The fpr now works, but it is still squeeling after the fuel pressure boosts way up and then comes back down. Might be the rising rate needle valve clogging? I think that a replacement needle valve is coming in the official begi rebuild kit that I ordered. I'm sticking with the .010 shim though. They are sending out .003 shims in their kit. They say to use two of them.Sounds like they know it's a weak link. You guys have saved me alot of hassle. Thanks much for your help.
Reason for Edit: None given...|1152634919 -->