im new!!!!


ok so i am NEW to the hole forum thing...i have owned my busa for almost two years now and have done alot of work to it..a complete motor swap infact...but anyways... the reason im on here is to learn and find out what i can do and cant do when puttig a turbo on my bike...and also if anyone wanted to sell a turbo kit?
:welcome::welcome: and check out, you can also search for his turbo build. He's got what you need.
I would highly recommend going to the top of the page and clicking "User CP" then on that page click "Edit Signature" and in the box that appears fill out the year of your bike as well as any mechanical modifications. The information will then appear below your posts so that when you ask questions concerning your bike, the people that respond will have additional information to help answer your questions.
booost for a busa is like crack for a ^@$^$

very addictive and a little to much will ruin more than your day.

:welcome: to the board
ok i have now posted some info about my bikes...and some pics...and to the matter at hand...i have a personal preference to the hanhs racecraft kit..any thoughts, and does any one else run this kit?