I'm not asking for prayers, but just some positive Energies would be a bonus...


Re-Recycled, Busa-Less...
Donating Member
Finally getting a nibble, just a little one, you know the kind where you place your fingers on the line to see if anything is there, but you're afraid to set?

Just got a follow up email on an Art Director position and it would be a perfect fit for me. So fingers crossed and all of that.

It would pay appropriately, I would have a team answering to me, and the best part? No fooling, it's a block away from my front door.

SO I'm crossing everything I got. :please:

Been so long I'm a little scared to be honest...
Brother -
You deserve all the good fortune possible! Directing my positive energies to you - good luck!
You've got my prayers anyways, theres nothing wrong with praying for your fellow man to find good employment. Good luck
You've got my prayers anyways, theres nothing wrong with praying for your fellow man to find good employment. Good luck

Agreed. Sounds like you've found a pretty good thing. I hope it works out for you. :thumbsup:
I'll toss a few good vibes your way.

Claim Jumpers tomorrow for lunch? I haven't been there in a long time. :whistle: Call me if you're up to it. You have the number. :beerchug:
Finally getting a nibble, just a little one, you know the kind where you place your fingers on the line to see if anything is there, but you're afraid to set?

Just got a follow up email on an Art Director position and it would be a perfect fit for me. So fingers crossed and all of that.

It would pay appropriately, I would have a team answering to me, and the best part? No fooling, it's a block away from my front door.

SO I'm crossing everything I got. :please:

Been so long I'm a little scared to be honest...


Also being an Art Director in this freakin' economy... I know what you're going through. Freelance for the last 4 years but the downturn kinda dried everything up. Took me a long time to find the spot where I am now (two designers under me plus two more freelancers on-call). It's 50 miles away but you do what you gotta do, at least until things turn around. Prayers going out for you... A BLOCK AWAY FROM THE FRONT DOOR:bowdown: I'm PMS368 with envy! :thumbsup:

If that doesn't work out for you, shoot me your website and portfolio link. My best friend lives in Seattle and we've done a few things together on the creative side over the past 20+ years. He knows a lot of folks there and he could put out some feelers for you. :laugh:

Don't be too worried about the team.
If they're good creatives all you'll have to do is nudge them in the right direction and keep them focused.
"Guide" - don't "Do". Learn to let go and use all the resources available - you don't have to do everything yourself.
And learn to love the paperwork that comes with managing a team. (I HATE that part)
Great news, Keith...looking for more updates as you progress!

Good luck!
Pushing all my positive energy your way ----->

Oh no! now i'm drained! Best of luck!:thumbsup:
Good luck Rev, I know its been a struggle, sayin a prayer for it right now and I dont pray much...