i'm screwed any suggestions


Donating Member
Let me explain i sent some parts off to get powdercoated and they came back so the brake bar was powder coated on the inside that slips on to the post on back of the actual rear set. anyway i used a hammer to get the pedal over tha post and now it wont move. i can move it a little up and down but it takes a lot of force. Doesn anyone have any ideas. I tried PBs catalasit stuff. I even tried heating up the post and banging it out with a hammer.

It looks to me like you could use a press to press it out. you might have to re powdercoat the parts after you are done voilating them. just tell the powder coater that there is a critical tolerance in that area and he will cover it. Ant paint (or powdercoat) burrs should be removed before reassembly is attempted. I know that set-backs are a ##### but when it is done right I know that I sleep better.

You will have to remove the brake bar and use a sanding drum to remove all of the powder coat out of the hole then it will slip on and work normal.

Anytime you have things like that powder coated have them cover the holes. If you had anything with threads powder coated you had better get a thread cleaner and clean the threads out, if not you will break the bolts off in the part.

Ultimately you will have to get the bar off some how to fix this problem.

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ive decided monday to go to a machine shop and have it pressed out then get it re powder coated.
Yeah, I've got a suggestion... Next time somethin' ain't fittin' properly don't force it without figurin' out WHY it ain't goin'. The "bigger hammer" theory can get ya in a mess, as you have just found out.
thought onced i had it on i could spin it around a couple of times to loosen up the paint but i was wrong
If you have any problem with P.C chipping after they have been pressed out, send them back to the P.C company that did them. The company should have known better and covered the holes and should redo them for free.
Dont know if i told you but i think its a guy working out of his home or something. For what i paid to have it done i dont mind gridning the paint down. This was just my stupidity.:;):
Try using a block of wood placed on top of the piece stuck,then using a c-clamp to press it out followed by something to fit in the hole to push the remaining piece out.
Powder coat is pretty thick and any holes that a bolt has to go through or screw into have to be cleaned out after coating the parts. If you try to cover the holes before coating, the finish on the part might not come out right. It is fairly simple to clean up the holes after coating. On a threaded hole it just takes a tap and a little WD40. With one that has a bolt that has to pass through you can either use a drill to clean it or a dremel type tool with either a grinding or sanding bit. Also any parts with a machined surface should not be coated.
Ok i have some good news and some bad news.

Good news... I got the piece off. well i didnt took it to work and the NCOIC in my shop had her husband come in and look at it ( helping out the LT) anyway he left for like 15mins and came back with parts seperated. It didnt even mess up the powder coat. Has a few scratches but not deep enoght to show teh metal

Bad news...There seems to be a lip at the tip of the post that gets stuck when i put it in the hole. Looking at it now it seems that the lip was the part that was stuck. i sanded down the lip and the inside but i didnt want to sand it too much. Anyone have any suggestions as to how to get this on before i start sanding again?