Indian Larry hurt in crash?


Call me Daddy...
Donating Member
Just read on another bike site (yes, there are others...
) that Indian Larry the famous chopper builder fell while doin' one of his trademark tricks (standing on the seat goin' down the road). Rumor is that he suffered head trauma, is brain dead, and is not expected to live. Anybody else heard anything about this?

If it's true, it sucks ASS. He seemed like a pretty cool dude on the shows I caught him on. Just came across as a true rider with a love for two wheels instead of a commercialized, money driven blowhard like most of the other chopper builders on TV.
That is horrible if true.
Meet him this year at bike week and he wrote this nice note to me.


Not going to turn this in to a "Gear Thread" But well... There you go...

If it's true, at least he died doin what he loved to do!
Yep very sad but he was allways riding with out a lid where it was legal. ouch
 seemed like a cool guy.

Indian Larry link

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Went looking, can't find any information.

Found this though List of Bike accidents@ News Galore interesting. Lots of Cruiser/Hardley types. Mostly old, bike only.

Lack of helmets and riding skills is what I got out of the above link. Lesson? Don't be a BAB, and learn how to actually ride.
Copied from another site....
August 29, 2004
I have just received some devastating news this morning from a reliable source. This is the kind of information that I never want to hear at 10 am Sunday morning. Indian Larry has gotten into a fatal accident last night while doing one of his famous stunts. He was surfing on his bike when he fell and hit his head. This happens at the Liquid Steel Classic Rally in Concord, North Carolina. The information is still sketchy at the moment. I got words that Larry is technically brain dead at a local hospital in NC. I am sorry to have to be the bearer of bad news but I hope you all can help pray for Larry. He will be missed as a respected icon in the motorcycle industry. I had the good fortune to hang out and do shoots for Larry a few times. Larry was a kind person just as you have seen him on the Discovery Channel and at the rallies. I know many of you who have had your photos taken with Larry can agree on the same thing. What a shame! Some of the photos above was taken in New Orleans last year at the Steel Pony Express Rally. I took Larrry to the cemetary where Peter Fonda and Dennis Hoppers had filmed Easy Rider many years before . The shoot was at 9 am Sunday morning and he was there on time
yup.. .would have killed his image to have been wearing a helmet instead of him... can't have that.
That is really too bad. He seemed like a genuine cool guy. A true individual. He will be missed if he does not make it.

You still can't help but bring up the point about weraring a helmet though.
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pisser, So easy to not have happen... I'm with you VA...
You know, At least it could have been one or Both of the Tuttles... Not someone with real original talent, a real builder...


BUT Like I mentioned above he went doing what he loved to do, and probably wouldn't have it any other way. Lived life the way he wanted, and slid up to them pearly gates, road rashed, smoking, tattered, and prolly a little sore saying "Whew, that was fun!"

At least he doesn't have to worry about his depends/ nursing home years...
 You know, At least it could have been one or Both of the Tuttles...  Not someone with real original talent, a real builder...


BUT Like I mentioned above he went doing what he loved to do, and probably wouldn't have it any other way.  Lived life the way he wanted, and slid up to them pearly gates, road rashed, smoking, tattered, and prolly a little sore saying "Whew, that was fun!"

At least he doesn't have to worry about his depends/ nursing home years...
Hey, I like watching the Tuttles fight! I know all they really do is put parts together, but it's a train wreck!

You know, I so started thinking about how silly it was for Indian Larry to do the crazy stuff he did without a helmet, but it's America, and tons of riders ride without every day, so I'm just sorry he's gone...he knew what he was risking...his choice. He had a following, though I wasn't a fan of his designs, he was a fellow rider, and now he's gone...sad...
I was hopin' it wasn't so but I guess it was. The guy just came across as a true rider, unlike the OCC crew and some of the other builders. Never met the man, it was just one of those hunches I get occasionally about people.

I'm with those who say he went doin' what he loved. I'm not ready to go out yet, but I'd rather go out at 150+ on the busa than to get smoked by some $2 crackhead who doesn't want to spend the night in jail. If I go at work, mourn. If I go on the busa, HAVE a FUGGIN' Party!

RIP Indian Larry...
Yeah, this really isn't the thread for gear rants. Well, if you're perfect enough to judge others' actions, go ahead I guess. Personally I'll just stick to mournin' the guy's death and praying for his soul. Hopefully, if he believed what I believe maybe I'll get to ride with him some day, WITHOUT A LID, and he can teach me that standin' on the seat trick.

I say, if ya want to preach gear, start another thread. Reference his crash if you want, but keep this thread clean as a tribute to a fallen rider... Just my $.02...