Inexpensive Oil Filter Cap Wrench


I was looking for an inexpensive alternative to the Suzuki Oil Filter Wrench Part # 09915-40620, so I took an oil filter to Pep Boys and found a great oil filter wrench for about $6.00

It's made by a company called CTA and it's their 65mm/67mm x 14 Flute Oil Filter Cap Wrench and it fits Suzuki Oil Filter part # 16510-07J00 perfectly.

The Pep Boys Part # A255
Why not buy k&n filters with the 17mm nut built into them?

Because my bike is under warranty and if anything were to ever go wrong, I prefer to have a Suzuki oil filter on it and, the Suzuki oil filters are a bit cheaper than K&N.

Just my preference.
Make sense. But I don't think its legal to deny coverage for not using OEM parts as long as you can show that for this instance you have changed the oil.
Make sense. But I don't think its legal to deny coverage for not using OEM parts as long as you can show that for this instance you have changed the oil.

Of course, it's not legal to deny coverage for not using OEM parts. However, I change the filter at every oil change and Suzuki filters are cheaper than K&N so I'm very content to use the Suzuki filters and have no reason to switch.

Thanks for providing a link to the K&N warranty information as there are sure to be a lot of members of this forum who are not aware of The Magnuson–Moss Warranty Act of 1975, and what the law is in regards to consumer product warranties.
Well that makes sense. Never checked the cost of oem. Just the convience of the nut on the filter to me makes the knn worth it for me.
i use this kind of "wrench"
nice to use and all over fitting at all screwed oilfilters. :thumbsup: