Infomercial junk


Donating Member
Anybody buy this stuff? I just saw a commercial for "perfect meatloaf" A pan with a tray to lift out the loaf, really? Its that hard for some people? They likely drove a car to the store to buy the meat, but the pan is to trippin em up?

I tried "mighty putty" as a joke last year, it didnt work, and STUNK like trash, it was gross. We tried to stick 2 spoons together, Nope, couldnt handle that....

Snuggie? Its a robe for people with short arms, C'mon, are ya really gonna wear a cheetah print blanket to a baseball game? I hope ya catch a foul ball with your face cause you were to busy with your "snuggie".:laugh:

So, what have you spent your $19.95 on?

And, for a limited time only, post now and get double the post count while supplies last, you pay only shipping a processing....

Not sure I have ever bought any of that stuff. My wife does have a snuggle with skulls and crossbones on it though. Well she got that from her folks so nope no infomercial purchases here. Also never see them since I don't have cable or antenna tv.
Nah, I'm good, I'd rather spend my money on better things... like doll clothes for my lil girl, doll clothes for my lil boy (He's 3 and allowed to not know if he's gay or not), stuff for me and my wife's bikes, toilet paper, food, etc
I admit I almost bought this one , cause I actually go through these problems with pasta and I have a broiler to make fries and tater tots and other stuff and when I toss that stuff in I always get burned from the splashing not to mention taking the stuff out the broiler is a pain ,,, :laugh:
Lynne has brought some things,not me.:whistle:.
Wash balls=no more washing powder, all right, but not on whites.
Dog trainer collars=rubbish.
Exercise videos=I'm to fat and unfit to use them yet.:laugh:.
Smart pen=cover up scratches on car/bike=haven't use it yet, no scratches to cover up.
Halogen oven=brilliant.
I love going through the shopping Chanel's it's a good laugh sometimes.
Two of my favorites are the wizzit gets rid of unwanted hair, man those women have got some hair in some funny places.
Ear zoom, you put in your ear to hear better, virtually invisible, yea right looks like a walrus tusk in your lug hole.
Then some guy was selling DVD'S he said I brought these himself at a shop and they cost so much, and these are cheaper but with the p&p they worked out dearer on this Chanel.
And on some Chanel's postage is £7.99 per item and they even charge £1.53 to phone them.
i have bought a few things over the years . Windshield cleaning stick thing to clean the inside of the shield. Works well for a quick clean of the windshield. Not as good as paper towel but quick and easy

space bags travel- they stink. they always popped back open on me. I tried them for bike trips

the little hair trimmer- complete garbage- jammed on a nose hair and brought tears to my eyes lol
:rofl::rofl::rofl:....I`m not sure, I`ll have to `pull myself together` and think about it.
What was the stuff some time ago for a headache? HeadOn, no I didnt get that.
Anybody buy this stuff? I just saw a commercial for "perfect meatloaf" A pan with a tray to lift out the loaf, really? Its that hard for some people? They likely drove a car to the store to buy the meat, but the pan is to trippin em up?

My mom bought one of those pans when it was a pampered chef item.

It works great, it holds the meatloaf off the bottom of the pan so it doesn't get all slimy and soft from the fat.

You are right about the snuggie. I bet that guy is laughing all the way to the bank. I just sold some one a bath robe that I turned around. Ha Ha Ha.
hmm well, i bough the miracle blade 3 knife set that chef tony was selling and it has lasted quite a while for a 25 dollar set.... its no cutco, but you cant even get a cutco knife for 25 bucks.... i alos bought the shamwow from vince because of his non caring sales pitch and because he looks like a human version of beavis... but it was crap
I haven't bought anything but I like to watch the Brazilian Butt Lift commercial!
Posted via Mobile Device
the pedi egg for callous removal works well
the green vegi bags work
heal tastic works well
sliders and gliders and shoulder strap for moving furnature around works
my mother in law has a clapper and soon as i see one at the store im buying one too
The emory scratcher for cats <well my cats hated it>

ok i guess i have bought a few of these things over the years
I saw one the other day for this rubber spray, they "installed" a screen door in the bottom of a boat and sprayed it with this miracle rubber product and then had "a entire day on the lake nice and dry" Thought about it:whistle:

And dont knock the might putty, the plumbing under my kitchen sink is held together with mighty putty and a piece of radiator hose, been leak free for 3 years