Installed muzzy fan today


Piece of cake, although I had to move the top of the radiator forward a little. Seems to fix my overheating problem.
Loud too.......hope it helps in Daytona.

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i have a 2006 hayabusa and this is my fisrt mod. to the bike and i see the result ,i live in P.R. in the summer the temp. is very hot .
I'm still debating on doing this mod. Ive rode her through out the summer here in FL with no problems yet I guess I will wait for the spring to get hot again.
Congrats...I too put one on thinking it may help curb the intense heat...easy mod, works great...
If I had to do this one over again, I wouldn't do it. Over the summer, sitting in traffic, the temp gauge hovers over the same area it did with the stock fan. It may be cooler, but I couldn't tell just by looking. But if it makes you feel better, why not - it's only a 20 minute job (once the plastics are off).

I was told there is no difference in the amount of air the fan draws compared to stock. I was in South Beach this summer and my bike never overheated with a stock fan.