installing Roaring Toys Grips


Donating Member
Hey the left side looks like it will be no problem on the throttle side it look like the throttle cable has to be inserted onto the grip somehow any ideas ive never changed out the grips before it is the billet ones that fade from black to red. Please advise. The left grip has a Set screw to hold the grip in place its the throttle grip i am worried about im attaching photos.

Once you take the throttle side grip off you will se how the 2 cables are connected to the plastic throttle sleeve. Pay attention to how they are connected and remove them from the plastic sleeve. Slide the new grip on and put the cables int the corresponding spots on the new iso grip.
Also use something like a marker/tape to mark one so you won't end up guessing which is which if you get side tracked.
I always put a little Vasoline or grease on the alum. handlebar prior to putting the throttle sleeve/grip on. This aids in a nice smoothe throttle pull and return.
It will not be as diff as you may think. Did mine with no idea what I was getting problem with it thu.
Break them loose with your bare hand first. If you strip the phillip head, it will really sukk for you.
dont use vasiline or any other type of petroliun jelly,it eventually drys up and may hinder movement,no need to use anything. and loosen up the throttle cables before you attempt to free the throttle cable,it will make it alot easier(btw you have to take the switch housing apart to do this,didnt notice that posted but its obvious) should be able to change them out in 10-15min bro.theres probably alot of grip glue on the clutch side,just keep trying to turn it as you pull,it will eventually break free