time to upgrade ur 8 track cassette.....First take the the ipod, go to the REAR of the truck right above the bumper.
Theres an area that is most likely hard metal on your year of truck, this area is above the license plate and typically referred to as the top of the bumper. Get a hammer, set the ipod down and whack it 36 times with said hammer...
If theres no such area on your truck, feel free to use the ground as long as it is acement type surface
Thend drive to Best Buy and get an MP3 player that does NOT contain the apple branding, aaand that should be it.
Good luck, I hate apple can you tell? Threadjack over
First take the the ipod, go to the REAR of the truck right above the bumper.
Theres an area that is most likely hard metal on your year of truck, this area is above the license plate and typically referred to as the top of the bumper. Get a hammer, set the ipod down and whack it 36 times with said hammer...
If theres no such area on your truck, feel free to use the ground as long as it is acement type surface
Thend drive to Best Buy and get an MP3 player that does NOT contain the apple branding, aaand that should be it.
Good luck, I hate apple can you tell? Threadjack over