Ipod/Itunes gurus

Mr Brown

What program do I need to download in order to pull music of another iPod and add it to my iTunes without any effect on the iPod? Apple pisses me off with this crap......
I've used this on songs I've purchased through iTunes in order to free them up so I can burn them to cd's:

Audio Converter - Convert MP4 to MP3, Convert M4A to MP3

It removes all the "protection" from itunes .m4a music files and converts them to basic .mp3s (or many other formats).

You'll have to go into the iTunes folder where all the music files are, run them through this program, and then move them over to your other itunes library.
Good question...I hate iTunes and iPod now too :laugh: Kids got 'em for Christmas and I have yet to figure 'em out...

If they hadn't ripped 'em open, they would be going back to the store for something much easier that isn't tied to iTunes...