Is busa good for touring?


Im new at this stuff, so I would just like to know how the busa is on long mile trips.. If someone could plz let me know about it I would really appreciate it alot. Thanks alot
You bet it is! Of course it's not a touring bike but it is reasonably comfortable for long trips. Overtaking becomes safe and painless and you can ride at high speeds (if there's no police in sight...).
Two problems (minor, I mean): I would welcome a higher windshield, and if you have a passenger there's no room for luggage in the rear. By the way, the passenger is also comfortable, at least that's what my wife says.

Ride fast but ride safe,

Drove 1000 miles this weekend. Fastest average was 110 over 180 miles. average total was 90MPH ( yeah miles not kmh) Busas are made for High speed touring. ( maybye slow speed touring too , I just havent tried yet...hehehe)
I've done a few 400 mile days on my busa and its pretty effortless. My speeds were in the 60-75 mph range -smooth as silk. Like Yngve says any time you want the power for passing or pleasure its there. With bar risers the bus might even be a good 1000 mile per day bike.
I disagree assuming COMFORT is the criteria. The Busa is not a top touring bike. Your stretching it. The windshield is too low, and the bars too low as well, the only thing that doesn't get wind blast is my belly button.
Its a hybrid bike. Its best forte is straight line, whether you admit it or not.
The question should be what area are you willing to sacrifice. Jump on a Sprint or Daytona for comparison.If your looking for a touring bike or even sport touring for the primary use--keep looking.
Manual: regarding your note about having a passenger leaves no room for luggage. Check into the VENTURA luggage system. It has to "L" brackets that secure to the sub frame with a rear rack and tombstone like frame that carries a 45 liter bag on the bag (acting like a backrest for the passenger) or you can flip it around if you are riding solo keeping the weight over the axle or inside the axle, plus you can add another bag and zip them back to back! Check it out! (Main website) (Pic of Busa with ugly red bag on back!)

[This message has been edited by BullDog (edited 01 September 1999).]
Well BullDog,

I've looked at the pic you mentioned, but unless the passenger has not been eating for the last couple of months, I don't see where he (or she) is going to seat :)

The problem is that the rear of this bike is not horizontal. It goes down, making almost impossible to put a bag on it. I say "almost" because I've managed to do so, but with a lot of work, and stopping from time to time to check it out.

Anyway, thanks for your information. I've checked the Ventura site and contacted them.

[This message has been edited by Manuel (edited 02 September 1999).]
I think Bulldog means that you can turn the bag around so that it rests on the rack.....then the pillion has all the room they want. :)
I've recently rode my Busa from Tucson to Missouri with no problems. No it's not a BMW but it was fine for me. I did not find it uncomfortable at all, with the fuel stops being all the rest I needed. I'm 5'11'' and 208 pounds. Didn't take a passenger.
I did a 500mi blast a few sundays ago.
½ twisties and ½ my ass ever felt after a ride like that :)better than my VFR!!
The 'Busa' good for long distance touring, my friend and I (Two 'Busa') fully-loaded up with pillions. Rode up to Gerik (approv. 1800km, back and fro) ave. speed 140kmh. It was an absolute blast. Fuel consumption is good, if your right hand is well behaved. Seat is okay, after 800km non-stop except for fuel-stops, my ass hurts (Loaded down with luggage). (My ex-bike ZX-11, 916, T595) especially the 916, max 300km. In my opinion, short of a goldwing, two-thumbs up for the 'Busa' excellent long-haul capability.