Is polishing the swingarm worth it??

MR Felt

I've got the wheels off, going to do the Chrome Wheel Exchange. How well does the polished swingarm hold up? Once it is polished, is it easy to maintain?
The chrome swingarm is 325.00, which I could use for other upgrades this year.
polished anything is a pain in the butt. it will be more so on the swingarm as it is closest to the road and dirt. I have polished them before and didnt like it. Too much maintenance time and ot enough riding. chrome it. much easier to keep clean
Yeah ditto ! I had my wheels polished (outers) and thats enuf up keep, I have to polish them bout every 3 weeks if tap water is left on them the fluoride in the water turns it leaves green spots, almost impossible to get off. Go chrome !
If you are having second thoughts about it, then you will not like it being polished and having to maintain it on a regular basis.
polished anything is a pain in the butt. it will be more so on the swingarm as it is closest to the road and dirt. I have polished them before and didnt like it. Too much maintenance time and ot enough riding. chrome it. much easier to keep clean

You got that right,i have polished alum.RC wheels and they're a ***** to maintain!I like the warmer glow of polished aluminum over chrome myself but it's a big hassle.
I have polished aluminun parts on my truck and snowmobiles. Maintaining the polished aluminum is a royal pain. I would wait to go with a chrome plated swingarm over a polished aluminum arm. The arm is going to be very difficult to maintain.
Yep, had a ZX7 I bought stock used, but someone had polished the frame and swingarm. It was a huge pain! Ride, clean, polish, repeat...and I don't care if my bike's not clean, but the polish looks awful as soon as it starts to oxidize or my knee rubbed the frame.
Don't do it! I'm glad to see so many other folks agree.