So lets hear the truth- is it needed with an aftermarket pipe or not? while talking to a very fast local busa rider who has one, he said he diconnects it at the track, and the only advantage he see's while using it, was that the bike seem to run cooler around town. is this just another toy to get more money out of us? i know it works SOMEWHAT, but is it a NECESSARRY $300? I ride at the track as much as the street. any input?
"Needed" is a relative term. I put a pair of Yosh race slipons on my Y2K and noticed a distinct mid range stumble, which the PCII cleared up. As I am still breaking the bike in, I can't really say anything about high performance, but the bike definitley runs smoother.
I believe it improves overall DRIVEABILITY.
Wide open throttle it is probably very very close to the Yosh remap.
I still use it.
Borrow someones that has it on their bike and give it a test drive. You can load the appropriate map from their site if it differs from your donor.
The low to mid range improvement can reduce on-off in the turns as well

[This message has been edited by Bob (edited 18 May 2000).]
I have a friend with one...he has a yosh pipe and the yosh pipe download.if he diconnects it from his bike, does his computer hold the yosh map, or does it default back to factory? are you saying we could pull it off his, put it on mine, and both bikes would run fine?
I guess what im asking is if i could put his pcII on my bike, download the micron program, then give it back to him?
Your question is a little ambiguous. The map on the PCII adjusts the way the std EFI contol system does what it does. If the black box defines a certain amount of fuel at a certain moment in time, the PCII adjusts this level with the map it has defined. Take off the PCII and you take away the extra contol element so you're back where you started. You don't get a free mod on your bike just by borrowing it for five minutes. If you mean could you download a map to suit your machine onto his/her PCII to try it out, then yes. When (if?) you give it back to your friend, they could then download their origional map back onto it and for them nothing will have changed.

Do you NEED a PCII? Well, I wouldn't say need, but the low end grumbles I had without it have now gone, and according to the seat of my pants and a dyno run or six, the power delivery is smoother and my machine is certainly more drivable.

If you have a friend willing to let you play, then I would suggest give it a go. I spent £1600 doing stuff to my 'busa. Another £250 to round off the rough edges was worth every penny in my opinion.

[This message has been edited by Tangram (edited 19 May 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Tangram (edited 19 May 2000).]
Tangram is right about the PC2-- Remove it and lose it with the PC2.

The Yosh Box remap stays until you remap again with it.

I meant if your friend has a Yosh pipe and you have a Micron, you could load the map for the Micron and test it.