is this a hose air breather?




Guys, it's this thing right? what's the purpose of this thing? And what does it do?
sometimes called a clean air mod. from the factory, cars and bikes these days have the crank case ventilated right back around to the intake/airbox. so the gases/vapors that can be found down in the engine below the pistons gets sucked into your intake in a closed-loop kind of way, instead of just venting to atmosphere (as in the past, before environment karens) like the guy in the pic is doing with his hose and little filter.

when someone puts a catch can on their sports car, that stuff is being rerouted so that the vapors and general gunk has somewhere to collect (the little can) which you just empty out every once in a while.

the guys bike in the pic isnt wrong, it just isnt best.. its best if the inside of the engine/bottom end like everything below the piston is subject to vacuum, which you can do with something called a krankvent. route the hoses to be on the shorter side instead of that super long goofy poop, you dont want hoses to be their own vessel allowing any significant amount of stuff to build up. then put a little foofoo filter on the end of the hose, just to keep things tidy, like the guy in the pic.

just dont zip tie it immediately above the wheel. dude probly has to clean his rims once a week, depending.
I can't see any benefit whatsoever of this mod.......

I especially wouldn't want it running along my swingarm this way...the person in question went to great lengths to eliminate their rear brake (for whatever reason) and then reoccupied the space with an ugly hose and filter.....
Use pair block-off plates and connect the crankcase breather to the back of the airbox.
Or, plug the airbox and put one of those filters on the crankcase hose, but mount it around the throttle bodies or valve cover.
If the filter is low and you ride wheelies, some oil will come out, not a big deal, but not ideal either.
Or do the 'sucker mod', and route the crankcase breather to the pair valves directly(no place for a filter), which is good for a couple hp you'll never feel.
That setup pictured with the low filter is going to get dirty and clog, and block the crankcase from venting.
It looks like some uninformed person's way of trying to have something cool on their bike...but it is useless...and overpriced.