ISLE of MAN TT Rules!!!


Riding buddy of mine just loan me his 2003 Isle of Man TT on DVD. And I thought track races was great, but this is the SHEEETZ! Sorry Valentino
But to see these nut case fly pass someone's rose garden and local pub at 140 mph on those narrow streets is crazy! Track races has its risky, but the Isle of Man races are beyond risky. If you go down, it won't be the soft sand, it will be the hard-ass pavement or curb. If you crash into something on the track it maybe some soft, air fill barricade. But on that tiny island, you'll be crashing into the stone walls, trees, streetlamps, even someones' mailbox!

I wish I can see more vetern track racers take on the Isle, but seeing how it has the highest fatality count than other races, I can understand why the more commercialized racers won't even consider it. In fact, I learned of David Jeffrey that died during a practice ride for the 2003 race. I guess he was the equvilant to Valentino Rossi, but on the streets of the Isle. I saw Jeffrey race in the 2002 DVD. That was his 4th straight championship (sadly last). I do have to say that I can see the charisma in his ride in his final ride. Like Rossi, a natural.

And the camera mount!!! Center, high. You can see all of the bug splatters on the windshield.

The 2003 has like 7 different races, but I my favorite is the 1000cc production race. MonsterMob Ducati was representing, but it didn't finish because of mechanical problems. Surprised?

140-150mph may not seem high, but to me it's a lot crazier to go 140-150 on streets than it is to run 230 mph on a controlled, clean track anyday.

Anyways, I highly recommend it. day per year, it's open to the public! I mean, unrestricted speed-take-no-prisoners situation.. All the world's lunatics are gathering for some unrepeated levels of adrenaline and-of course-some big time crashes.. The locals emigrate, that day..
where do I get the video? also do you guys recommend any other cool vids that I can pass along to the wifey for my Christmas present:)
Oldest TT thread I could dredge up. :D

Anyone watching this years IOM TT? Hickman did almost 131MPH today followed at some length by Dean Harrison. Not sure what tire he did this on, as Dunlop has had some issues with the slicks and forced all the Dunlop runners to use their treaded rear Tires. A few jumped to Metzelers.
See lots of bikes loaded up heading up the M6 to catch the ferry to isle of man , looks so much fun and I live so close I must put it on my bucket list.Still made my day more interesting watching them all going up the motorway