serious question - what's the point / aim of lowering the rear?
plus, apparently, without lowering the front by the same amount?
because THAT would be completely counterproductive for operation on normal country roads etc.
because :
only lowered at the rear causes a severe understeering in curves, which leads to very unpleasant driving characteristics.
the so-called aiming accuracy is at least greatly reduced, which then results in a massively increased risk of accidents in the form of the ditch or oncoming traffic.
in order to keep safety at least at the normal level, the front must also be lowered by the same amount as the rear.
it should be clear to everyone that this reduces the lean angle (in the curve).
the motorcycle touches down earlier with the fairing and/or footrests!
with only lowering the rear , you basically build a chopper with a long fork and a larger caster.
(just like peter fonda did in the film easy rider).