
Sounds like the same problem I've had. The engine was just cutting out, however, mine fired up after a few seconds, while coasting or after pulling over to the side. I took mine to the dealer, they remapped it, increased the rpms and now runs sweet and much better than new. To tell you the truth it feels the way a 1300 cc engine should, and by the way it's a bit smoother too.
Crusin at 90 and lost pressure, the she just stopped in the middle of a freeway in the middle of rush hour traffic. The gas was low , but the reserve light was not on. U could hear some gas in the tank but the f**king thing just wouldnt start. It tried to run a few times but just stalled out. Called the dealer, he came and got me and put my Busa onto the back of his truck. Ill post the results. PS It only has 2500 miles.
This used to happen to me a lot. I'm riding, then the bike is coasting to a stop, dead as a door nail. What is a door nail anyway? It even happened at 190!! It usually would start right back up though.