OB_Dirty Pete

Ahhhhh, got the 16 tooth back in, air box mod, Yosh exhaust, new tx 200, one-up-five-down shift pattern, freshly dyno tuned...

...AND we've got dense, cold (36 degree) air in Toronto today!

The bike likes the extra oxygen diet and it's just hoppin' the front on every shift I bang.

(Except 6th, I'll need Mr. Turbo to do that.)

Goes through the gears so fast I forget to even breathe!

Halloween's coming up and this machine is SCAAAAAAAAARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love my Busa.
Guess you didn't do the clutch mod. The welded hub would make the bike skid to easily
on downshifts anyway, even the re profiled cam mod has this problem. I stoped using the reverse shift pattern a long time ago. Under fire i always bang the wrong shift-
Duc I didn't do the clutch mod because I couldn't get someone to contradict my tuner's opinion on the home remedy when I posted to try to find the Caribou Rancher (Yngve) today.

I'm quite happy to go Schnitz if I can get some long-term-rider advice from somebody.

SPEED has had the Schnitz clutch mod in for a long time and I'd like to hear from him about driveability...he complained about notchiness immediately after he put it in. I wouldn't care too much about that as long as I could make my own decisions about when to lock up the ****ing clutch.

The "reverse" shift pattern feels totally natural to me because I grew up on Brit bikes that shift way.

The Jap pattern, although I'm obviously used to it, has never made any physiological sense to me.