It was a GREAT day


Donating Member
Hey All,

Been awhile since I've been active; been too busy with work but I had to share what happened today.

This morning I'm on the way to the office and I'm crossing onto Mare Island from Vallejo, 35mph zone.

I take off from the stoplight in my truck (Dodge 2500 4x4 Cummins TurboDiesel, it takes awhile to get up to speed) and of course, I get it up to about 50mph to cruise across the bridge when whammo! Mr. Policeman on his motorcycle informs me that I am speeding by pointing me to the side of the road.

Mr. Policeman then informs me that I was doing exactly 51mph according to his LIDAR and the grill on my truck made a great target (yessir, you're welcome) in a 35mph zone. So I get a ticket for 40 in a 35. That was nice of him.

We chatted for awhile and he told me I could take traffic school, at which point I informed him I can't because I got a BS ticket in Bakersfield a month ago on my bike for doing 78 in a 55 when I was doing EXACTLY 55 with another biker who also got a ticket. Long story short, I told him exactly what happened and he said, "you know, sometimes ppl can just be jerks to bikes." Then he tells me, try for traffic school anyways, you might get lucky. Nice guy, I tell him thanks for the tip and put away my paperwork.

As I'm about to leave he walks back up to me and says, "Give me your ticket." Now I see he has the yellow copy and I have the pink copy so I look at him and say "No. You have the wrong copy, you can't turn that in
" His response, "[in official tone of voice]Give Me Your Ticket". Yessir.

To which he applies his ballpoint pen and writes

"Your story moved me and you don't deserve this ticket. You have a nice day."

Wha? Can I buy you breakfast? Can I wax your bike? Can I bring you lunch? Wow.

There are nice people out there. Pls be respectful of the motorcycle cops, they're only doing their job and some of them do care about other bikers.