its been said a thousand times...but


Donating Member
Thanks Cap,Narc,and the others who give this place lots of time and effort.

What spawned this remark? I was just looking at the Org home page and how nicely it is laid out. Its just BIGTIME user friendly.The whole site is simply..."way cool".

Just wanted to say thanks. The hours alone. Sure,Ol' Rubb has tossed a couple hours at the place,BIG DEAL. I didn't have to put up

Anytime yer thinking some shid about Doug and the others,like maybe Doug makes millions off the site or "so and so" is a krapy admin...stuff like that,just give yer head a little shake .

I've been around for a little while and have privy to some pretty neat facts.

Here's one for ya: A couple years ago Doug and I were chatting on the phone.It was "Tax Time". The IRS wants its cut from the workin' man. After all was said and done,the owners of The Org (Mr. and Mrs. Captain) made a whopping 6 dollars from it. Ya 6 fuggin' bucks.For dealing with this crud for a year.OUCH.
Here's another for ya: For the new folks on the block. Doug and alot of the members felt I had done good for The Org. I was trying my best,helping out lots,blah blah blah. Next thing I know I'm on way to VEGAS BABY.Thats right. Doug made it possible for me to go and hook-up with the Cali-Vegas Crew. They insisted on covering the airfair and hotel. One good ol' boy wanted to strap me onto his secondary ride. CBR 1000 RR. I had to turn it down.This was shortly after my crash/brain injury(which caused me to have my licence suspended). The trip was a blast.Even though I couldn't ride,the group hung out with me lots.Forever greatfull there folks.
The folks that have been helped out because this board exists.WOW.Not only does it exist,but its been up and running almost flawlessly for YEARS. Freakin' Google and MSN are down more.Here's one. I took up a collection and sent it to this Irish bastid Dave. Dave had a nasty crash,lost fingers,and got the krap kicked outa him.The Org rallied and sent cash and parts. Dave road a motorcycle for a living. Ya,he delivered medical supplies around the nutty streets of Ireland.So when that came crashing down around him,I thought the man could use a bit of help. Was he gonna finacially starve to death without our help,of course not.But I'll tell ya,that made me feel pretty fuggin' good. The Org of course was the vehicle which has been used thousands of times to help OUR BROTHERS and SISTERS.

If yer thinkin' to yerself,wow, cool place. Yer right.

If yer thinkin' to yerself,wow, this Rubber guy is a long winded pain in the azz. Yer right.

Bottom line.....this place is work for Doug and his tech guys.(we admins are volunteers,we can come and go,but Doug is always on the job).I have called his cell phone to bitch that The Org is down. One time,he was on the freeway.He had to pull over,I told him of the board problem....20 minutes later we were back live and in colour.Try and get that kind of service outa yer phone or cable company.

I could go on and on and on some more. Butt I know what yer thinkin'.... * For the love of God man,shut the fug up *.

I'll let the others have a turn at this....

RubberSideDown. < I mean that.

<=== There is a reason why my "group" status recently changed to what it is now ...  
Thanks to Cap and all the others who have spent time or money on the .org!!

You won't find a better collection of good people
BTW, that's a good reminder that it would be a GREAT time to send in a donation or two to the board. Verify that your monthly scheduled contribution has not expired and if it has, renew it. Gotta remember to provide the nuts and bolts that keeps this place above ground!

Great write-up, Rubb. Glad to see ya postin' again, too!

(Wag @ Jun. 16 2007,00:59) BTW, that's a good reminder that it would be a GREAT time to send in a donation or two to the board. Verify that your monthly scheduled contribution has not expired and if it has, renew it. Gotta remember to provide the nuts and bolts that keeps this place above ground!

Great write-up, Rubb. Glad to see ya postin' again, too!


To elaborate for those who don't know-

If you click the "Donate" link you can set up a monthly Paypal donation in whatever amount you want. For instance, a magazine subscription costs a yearly amount, but of course you don't get NEARLY the value- one "How-to" post alone here may save you $100 or more at a dealership!

So if you want to help out or give back, set up $5 or $10 a month recurring donation, more if you won't miss it, and help keep one of the best sites with THE BEST people you'll ever meet going and growing.

(Shibumi @ Jun. 16 2007,08:31)
(Wag @ Jun. 16 2007,00:59) BTW, that's a good reminder that it would be a GREAT time to send in a donation or two to the board. Verify that your monthly scheduled contribution has not expired and if it has, renew it. Gotta remember to provide the nuts and bolts that keeps this place above ground!

Great write-up, Rubb. Glad to see ya postin' again, too!


To elaborate for those who don't know-

If you click the "Donate" link you can set up a monthly Paypal donation in whatever amount you want. For instance, a magazine subscription costs a yearly amount, but of course you don't get NEARLY the value- one "How-to" post alone here may save you $100 or more at a dealership!

So if you want to help out or give back, set up $5 or $10 a month recurring donation, more if you won't miss it, and help keep one of the best sites with THE BEST people you'll ever meet going and growing.
$100 my frickin' a$$!!! I've probably saved over a couple grand at LEAST because of this board.

The least I can do is toss a little coin over here to the Org!!



Well - I don't think you can say enough about this place and its members. Doug and Kristie? TOP NOTCH! All of you guys who help out - I parked my bike here a little while ago, the only website that I got to half as much as this one is Marine OnLine. The people that keep this place running are feeding something akin to an addiction for me - and there is no way to quantify how much I appreciate this place. To all the developers - and workers who keep this place going, thank you for giving me a place to park Bessie - and my hat!
To the ORG and all the ones that make it the BEST

Why would anyone want to ride a HONDA
(BA BUSA @ Jul. 08 2007,09:38) Why would anyone want to ride a HONDA
Can't tell you how long I've been asking THAT question.


Wonder how much LONGER I'll be asking.


