lately in the last months I've been having this annoying issue.
The throttle at minimum 5-10% causes the engine to act jerky whenever I don't accelerate with enought decision.
Kinda when I'm running steady for istance at 1,5-4k rpms maintaining a steady speed, the engine will gulp every tot until I don't open the gas.
Issues and state of the Hayabusa.
So what's left to check? Should I recheck the TPS? Should it NOT move from middle check when accelerating the engine to 2k? Is it fine that it swaps to top mark?
Injector to be cleaned? Effect of the dirt combustion chambers due to oil engulfing the sparks?
I've noted that if I roll throttle up in neutral for a while (kinda when you do it for horrays) the annoyance will be reduced for a while.
Any advise will be welcome
lately in the last months I've been having this annoying issue.
The throttle at minimum 5-10% causes the engine to act jerky whenever I don't accelerate with enought decision.
Kinda when I'm running steady for istance at 1,5-4k rpms maintaining a steady speed, the engine will gulp every tot until I don't open the gas.
- Checked the forums, so bought a vacuum sync (carbtune pro), synced the throttle bodies.
- The effect got slightly reduced but still there. Tried to swap exhaust pipes, nothing new.
- Tried to trigger the PC3 more or less for fuel at low/mid rpms, it changes for a while and then back again. With lean mixture will go worse, with rich mixture will go better.
- Checked today the TPS. Shorted into Dealer Mode, the engine when running hot (with fan triggered) has the TPS already in the middle. It may swap to high-check if i accelerate to 2k rpms but on release it goes back to middle check.
Issues and state of the Hayabusa.
- Hayabusa model 2000, 350kph tacho (220mph)
- 91.000 kms
- Exhaust de-kat with cross pipes 4-2-X-2 and Carbon-titanium exhausts
- Pair Removed
- BMC air filter
- PC3 (grossly setted, lacks a decent map).
- NGK CR9E Spark Plugs with 6.000kms
- Has oil leaking from valve seals, eats about 100gr oil every 1.000kms
- The engine accelerates up to rpm limiter without issues
- Inside the combustion chambers there is some mess due to oil burnt
- All exhaust pipes heats themselves altogheter (sparks firing ok I guess).
So what's left to check? Should I recheck the TPS? Should it NOT move from middle check when accelerating the engine to 2k? Is it fine that it swaps to top mark?
Injector to be cleaned? Effect of the dirt combustion chambers due to oil engulfing the sparks?
I've noted that if I roll throttle up in neutral for a while (kinda when you do it for horrays) the annoyance will be reduced for a while.
Any advise will be welcome