Josh you did a poll only and there are questions you need to answer first..
The Scala is good if you ride alone or with only 1 or 2 people as it can only pair with 2 things.. no community chatter
The Chatterbox is far superior for things like the Eureka Springs run, Spring bash or other group rides where you may want to listen in or chat with a few other bikes.. (virtually unlimited number of people on channel compared to 2 with Scala)
I have 2 Chatterbox units and will probably get a Scala just for riding by myself..
The Scala is good if you ride alone or with only 1 or 2 people as it can only pair with 2 things.. no community chatter
The Chatterbox is far superior for things like the Eureka Springs run, Spring bash or other group rides where you may want to listen in or chat with a few other bikes.. (virtually unlimited number of people on channel compared to 2 with Scala)
I have 2 Chatterbox units and will probably get a Scala just for riding by myself..