Only a few little odds and ends left until the Vulcan is back on the road. So far i have replaced the tires, brakes, clutch, stator, voltage regulator, carb, made my own air cleaner, new throttle, brake, and clutch, cables, battery, tail light, 3 cans of mothers alum polish, 2 qts of paint, 3 qts of primer, untold amount of sand paper, and hours upon hours of elbow grease but the bike it almost there. Just waiting my bars and gaskets for the side covers then she will be ready to light off and go for a ride, I hope. So there is my free time for the last few months as well as spring break summed up in a short paragraph lol, I remeber when I had my bike shop that would have been half a days work. Of course then I was able to just work with out being interupted every 5 min. Ok thats all, time to go to school. Hope all is well with everyone.