just bought 05 WOW

Lamb busa

50 warming to 70 again
Donating Member
Just bought my 05 hayabusa. All the warnings in the world about how fast this thing is still don't do it justice. I have been riding my 85 ninja 900 since 1990. Have 45000 miles on it! WHAT AN UPGRADE! I live in San Diego and am looking for other riders. This page is great, because of this page I have done my kickstand mod and raised the headlight, which for some strange reason points straight at the ground. Bought the red and black, breaking it in using moto-man procedure, also found on this site. Thanks members you guys give great info.
Welcome to the board! Good to hear the info here is being used to make the Busa user friendly....
Welcome aboard!
Congrats on the purchase and welcome to the board! Pics of you and your bike keep the site moving along!
Welcome to the board, and congrats on the new Busa. You've definitely fulfilled your prerequisite to Busa ownership. Experience, experience and more experience. So did you keep the Ninja? That's a classic.
 You've definitely fulfilled your prerequisite to Busa ownership.  Experience, experience and more experience.  
I'd say that's only a prefered optional prereq... but not a true prereq.

I was only riding on 2 wheels for 1 year before I got mine... subtract the winter storage from that time period and the down time after totaling my first bike... and it was a total of 5 months riding experience before I hopped on this beautiful beast.

Iv'e given her nothing but respect though, and she treats me just fine.

..... and don't think I was ignoring you, welcome to the board lamb busa!!
gratz on the awesome bike and welcome aboard. Now post some pics of your sweet machine!

keep it safe bro and good luck to those chargers and LT
I just couldn't get rid of the ninja. I loved that bike for so long. I had no problem riding this bike forever, i thought, until I saw the busa. I have been saving and drueling ever since. I rode the ninja yesterday after riding the busas for 2 days. I am amazed at the power of the busa. Pictures when I figure out how to do it. i.e. digital camera etc.
Congrats! Excellent choice!

Also nice to see the long list of bikes in your sig with the displacement growing each time...very smart. 20 years worth of riding experience is great. I bet you don't total it out within the first year

Now get some pictures posted! Finally got DSL in my area a few days ago and I want to make use of it!

another member, wow, this site is growing and growing. Congrats on the 2005, I think you just might like your new ride
Be careful top speed gets blurry really quick.......