Just bought a 09 Busa have some questions


Joined the forum not to long ago. First joined to do some research on the hayabusa brand. Been in the market for this specific bike finally came across it at an affordable price for me. A pic hopefully will hopefully show up in the post. So i wanna do a few things to it.

1. I wanna lower it. I was looking into adjustable lowering links and a triple tree. Was wondering where any of you recommend me buying them from. I was looking at roaringtoyz and ballzmotorsports. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Also next season plan on putting 300 kit on it. So was wondering if that would effect the lowering options I choose. I don't wanna spend money twice on lowering it.

2. Also wanted to replace my seats they are custom made not a fan of them. There either dirty or a off white color. Im looking into doing a new color scheme. Was looking at the seats on ballzmotorsports.com Has anyone done there seats with this site. If so some feedback on it would be appreciated. Or suggestions on where else i could get them done online will work.

3. Another question I have is if I replaced the blinkers with amber led bulbs will it take the orange tint inside the signal away. And i have searched through the forum and saw that bulb number is 7507 but some say 1156 ddmtuning only has 1156. does anyone know if that works.

4. Gonna install hid kit rite now planning on doing lows. Was debating doing highs but wondering if it even makes a difference. Or if it its even safe for the wire harness. Any suggestions on this? And as from what i seen on here the low beam is H7 and the high is H9 and little parking light on the side of low beam is a 194 bulb.

5. Also plan on swapping the two brothers for a voodoo short pipe. Like the short pipe look better.

Thanks in advance for your help. Im here to learn from the forum.

1. Roaring Toyz, Ballz, Pashnit, Goldenchild(on here)....these guys are all on the org and have good reputations for customer service.

2. I dont personally know the service that Ballz uses for seats. There's lots of different companies out there that are recovering or making upgraded seats for us, you might even find someone on here interested in swapping seats with ya!

3. With the clear lenses, replacing an amber glass bulb with an amber led will reduce the signal off amber appearance, though if the leds have amber lenses you *might* see a little amber still. 1156s and 7507s might not have the same amperage, so you'll want to do a bit of research and package reading to ensure that they'll be safe for use. In general its fine, but I'd hate to say "go for it", and then have you damage your electrics.

4. Be careful and do your research on an HID kit, as there have been several problems with the electricals on bikes from improper HID kits being installed. There are several owners on here with HID kits so hopefully someone will post with more detailed info.

Welcome to the family!
1. Another to check out: Soupys. They are a site sponsor as well. Adjustable rear links. If you don't want adjustable, just get a set of the three hole links. Soupys also makes spacers to lower the front, if you want. I lowered just the rear to level out the bike andtake weight off my wrists.

2. No reccomendations there, except to try cleaning the seats. Take them off and use some bleach white tire cleaner on them, see what happens.

3. Not sure about the colors, but check with superbright LEDs, they have a large selection for decent prices

4. I have DDM's kit on my bike, with a 6k bulb, and it has so far presented zero problems
If those are Tobin seats, you can send them back to Tobin and he will Re-Cover them for you. Go to newimageseats.com :thumbsup:
Edwin, BallZMotorsports, contracts out with New Image to build their seats. It's all the same. What you have on the bike right now is a New Image/Tobin/BallZMotorsports seat. If you completely don't like the shape or it is not comfortable, sell it to a member here, it'll go quick.

Take a look at all our BallZ seat options here:


As mentioned, you could send it back to New Image and they'd rebuild it for you however you want.

Also take a look at the new Zero Gravity seats. Really pleased with mine.


And welcome to the madness!

:welcome: to the oRg :thumbsup: We don't answer questions or have opinions :laugh:

Don't know what you plan on doing with the bike, but if you have to lower it to flat foot it, then do it. The bikes do look better to me lowered, however you will lose some of the bikes ability to corner and if lowered enough you'll have scrub issues. You've already been well advised about the lowering. Risers are a lot cheaper compared to a triple tree. You can actually go to the local hardware store and save more money.

Do you ride a lot at night ? If you don't save yourself some money on the HIDs. The Gen II lights are pretty good and a lot better than the Gen I. If you're set on going this route study the different temps/ frequency lamps. The 6000K mentioned will be blue which goes with your bike. If I were to change to HIDs I would get as close to the factory color light as possible. Just make sure you get what you will like and make sure you carefully read everything here about the installation so you hopefully will not have all the problems others have endured.
:welcome::welcome: You will find plenty of help here. I had the Tobin on my bike for 5 years. I bought a Corbin and really never liked it. They said it took time to break it in but I sold my bike. I had the Brocks 3 hole lowering set up on mine and it worked great for me. I did the HID high and low beam and that really worked great as well. Never did the big tire thing so no help there :laugh: Think about the breaded break line kit to. It will really help with the stopping power. Best of luck and I hope it all works out. Keep us posted with pics
Pash is that seat like the air hawk seat? I had a guy at the local Honda shop try to sell me on one. It did seem comfortable, but I didn't buy it.
I live close to ballzmotorsports.com shop and had my seats and exhaust done through them. This was 3 years ago. He is a great guy and does good work. When I get my new bike, I'll be going back to him.
I would recommend him without question.
Pash is that seat like the air hawk seat? I had a guy at the local Honda shop try to sell me on one. It did seem comfortable, but I didn't buy it.

Two different solutions, but you could put the Air Hawk on any seat. I have both.

My longest day has been about 600 miles on the Zero Gravity Latigo but another member here has done an Iron Butt on it.

Anything more than 500 mile day, I'd add the Air Hawk to your kit. Air Hawk for me is a long-distance riding accessory. I completed 1100 mile Iron Butt Ride with ease using the Air Hawk. Works as advertised and cheap. I paid $70 of amazon for the Air Hawk 2. So they are cheap and simple solution. If you do long days, get the Air Hawk.

Around town riding, canyon carving or commuting, i found it annoying.



If you do the 300 kit get the outside drive setup and make sure you get a stiffer rear spring and you will be fine lowered. I have a 240 lowered and its fine for me but with a passenger it runs a little so I'm adding a hyperpro progressive spring in a few weeks. I have the roaring toyz lowering links but I wish I had the soupy's so I could dial it in just where I want it to be but the ones I have now aren't bad. I have the five hole set.
If you do the 300 kit get the outside drive setup and make sure you get a stiffer rear spring and you will be fine lowered. I have a 240 lowered and its fine for me but with a passenger it runs a little so I'm adding a hyperpro progressive spring in a few weeks. I have the roaring toyz lowering links but I wish I had the soupy's so I could dial it in just where I want it to be but the ones I have now aren't bad. I have the five hole set.

This and what ludacris speed said, Soupys links. :thumbsup:
Thanks for the warm welcome. Surprised to get this many replies. Im a member to a infiniti forum and it usually takes while to get a response. Great to see.

So i will look into all the mentioned places for the lowering links. Im still debating what im gonna do with the lowering my friend is doing a package deal with his 300 kit and i might just do all that at the same time.

The most important things im aiming at are the hids and the seats. I used ddm tuning hid kits for a while now never had a problem with them. I put them on my r1 and a bunch of me and my friends cars. so im just gonna stick with them for the kit. im gonna follow the install guide blanca busa linked. Ill go with 6000k what i always use.

I like the style of the seats just not feeling the color scheme. so im gonna look into what you guys mentioned on getting them re done. thanks again for all the feed back.