Just got my Busa


2005 with 7500k miles for $6200. have always been drawn to the bike's style and power (of course:shocked:). sold my cruiser and bought this the same day.

05 Busa Marco 1-1.JPG
Ooh, love that bike, but maybe because I have the same one. Welcome to the org!
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:welcome: to the .oRg...

You were 'sad' to let the cruiser go, but you got a he!!uva consolation machine!

The ride will overcome any lingering self doubt about selling the cruiser...I still have my Harley but I hardly ever ride it anymore...
Congratulations on getting the best Busa ever made:beerchug:

You didn't have to sell the cruiser, it is OK to have more than one bike:)

Get out there and put some miles on her...

:welcome: to the org, and sweet ride! After you put some miles on your new steed, I doubt you'll miss your old ride as much.... :thumbsup:
