K&N Air filter oil?

your supposed to spray it with the oil after cleaning. this helps to keep the dirt from entering the filter.
okay, thanks guys, i saturated both sides pretty good. I hope i diddent put too much oil on.
i will let it sit until tomorrow before i reinstall it just to make sure. lol
I saturated both sides pretty good. I hope i didn't put too much oil on.

dood, OVER OILing is NOT recommended due to possible issues with the MAF sensor:
K&N Air Filter Facts You Should Know

Here are the steps from K&N's site: http://www.knfilters.com/cleaning.htm
Even have a VIDEO: http://www.knfilters.com/video/KN_Air_Filter_Cleaning.htm

Grab some paper towels and pat dry all the excess oil. Best of luck, man. I really, really hope that you'll be one very happy camper after your dyno session :)
i over oiled my filter on my eclipse once. kept throwing codes after that. damage to the maf sensor. now i always use the tube, not the spray. i think its alot easier to not over do it.
I followed this guys instructions, I think he put too much oil on also. I will just blame it on him:
- How to Clean a K&N Air Filter[/url]
dood, OVER OILing is NOT recommended due to possible issues with the MAF sensor:
K&N Air Filter Facts You Should Know

Here are the steps from K&N's site: K&N Air Filter Cleaning Instructions
Even have a VIDEO: KN_CottonCleaning2

Grab some paper towels and pat dry all the excess oil. Best of luck, man. I really, really hope that you'll be one very happy camper after your dyno session :)
Thanks, on the can it says nothing about over spraying, it just says to put on a liberal amount evenly.
Ya just,want an even red color, look em up online and try to match that color. Usually a few light coats will do it, just like painting.
Droid via Tapatalk
and once it soaks in it will spread thats why they say to spray on each pleat then wait for 10-15 mins to soak in...any spots still white touch up.